Understanding what are the best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday is very important, as it can be a source of inspiration for many. Black Friday is a very relevant date in the e-commerce world. It is the perfect showcase to massively promote products and services to thousands of people.

Especially in the Western world, a date like Black Friday is very important and many brands use it as a springboard before the arrival of Christmas. Making good use of strategies at this age is crucial because it allows you to stand out from the competition that is fierce. That is when the entire market and especially the competition show their products.

Social Ads examples for Black Friday will allow you to attract the attention of interested people who want to buy. As in 2020, the entire sales flow will materialize through digital channels this year. It is estimated that nearly 85 percent of sales will take place through the Internet.

Learn more about Black Friday

The term Black Friday originated in the United States in the 1950s and is always celebrated on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

It is considered the most important sale before the arrival of Christmas around the world. It is now a fixed date for consumption and shopping before December. Over the years and especially this past year 2020, consumer behavior has changed dramatically.

People no longer need to physically go to a store to buy a product. They can now do everything through the Internet and social media. This is where the best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday stand out.

Trends that will mark consumer behavior in 2021

This is a very special year and so many companies have adapted to what this new Black Friday 2021 will be like. Below you will find just a few trends that companies should follow to have the best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday:

A.- The rise of online sales
The pandemic has caused stores in general to adopt new forms of shopping. Consumers will prefer to make their purchases through the Internet and social networks. E-commerce companies will devote a large part of their resources to creating increasingly effective and appealing marketing campaigns.

Among the most important factors to maintain and optimize are:

  • Web loading speed.
  • User experience during purchase.
  • Overall navigation.

The buying process must be improved to make it totally intuitive and user-friendly. The loading of the web page cannot take more than three seconds, otherwise the user will abandon. Take Away is another new way of shopping that can be widely used this year.

B.- User interest: examples of Social Ads for Black Friday.
Offering big discounts and promotions will make people visit you weeks in advance to see what you are offering. Having a proper marketing strategy is critical, especially for examples of Social Ads for Black Friday on social networks. They will allow you to attract the attention of your target audience in one way or another.

C.- Users are spending more and more time on social networks.
Confinement has caused users to spend more time at home and thus the use of mobile devices and computers has increased. Now is the time to apply a strategy to attract potential customers. The scope of any strategy is much broader in these cases, both in terms of engagement and visibility.

The best Social Ads strategies for this 2021

Social networks are where potential customers go to get all kinds of information related to their favorite e-commerce store. Applying a Social Ads strategy is critical, as you can attract these people effectively.

There are several ways to apply these strategies, such as the following:

1.- Launch attractive offers.
To be considered within the full range of options on these dates, an effective strategy must be one that guarantees conversions. This is achieved with competitive promotions in the market and incentives to motivate the user to click.

2.- Create sales-focused campaigns: examples of Social Ads for Black Friday.
These are the dates when customers are willing to buy, so you can take advantage of this time with campaigns dedicated to conversion or sales. All efforts should be focused on this area and not on generating leads or interactions.

3.- Use remarketing with various price reductions.
Targeting users who have visited the Web and offering them discounts on the very items they are looking at is a good alternative. Discounts can also be applied to abandoned carts.

4.- Increase the budget and use keywords such as “Black Friday”
Increasing the budget will help to have some of the best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday. Similarly, using the keyword “Black Friday” is a tremendous incentive for all people on these dates.

5.- Encourage immediate action
You need to create a campaign that generates a sense of urgency in consumers. Applying phrases such as “Buy now” or “Take advantage of the promotion now” works very well. A countdown and discounts work well.

The best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday
Among the best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday are the following that show each of the factors that a good Social Ads should have for this season:

1.- Flavor God as an example of Black Friday social ads.

The food seasoning brand applies a very particular strategy for Black Friday where the price of each product stands out. It does so by emphasizing that prices start from $5.70 onwards. This aspect succeeds in immediately attracting the attention of all those who are interested by the use of typeface, colors and location of information.

2.- New York Public Library

The New York Public Library also runs a major social media campaign with a very special Black Friday promotion. It offers the chance to get every book 100% free. This campaign was launched in the New York Times newspaper on the back cover, but in turn replicated on the networks in a very special way.

It uses a very interesting image for the Christmas season in the United States, as well as a clear and direct message about the benefits customers receive.