Digital Marketing – Online Marketplace Everything You Need to Know to Boost eCommerce Sales. Wed, 19 Apr 2023 16:15:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Digital Marketing – Online Marketplace 32 32 214977547 The best online marketing actions for Halloween with which to surprise your customers Sun, 11 Dec 2022 10:28:02 +0000

Any special date is an opportunity to sell, so you should prepare your online marketing efforts for Halloween. This holiday that has spread all over the world and brands take advantage of it to launch promotions and offers.

Above all, it gives you the opportunity to work with fun and themed campaigns. Pumpkins, witches, mummies, bats, black cats–these are the characters most commonly used to represent “Halloween.”

And because there is so little left for this celebration, you need to activate your online Halloween marketing efforts now. This way, you can offer promotions to consumers from now on. No matter what industry you develop in, you can adapt your strategy to this topic.

Top 8: Online marketing actions for Halloween
If you want to start structuring and applying your strategies for this date, then you need to know the most used online marketing actions for Halloween. This will give you a clearer idea of how you need to make your campaigns work to be successful:

1.- Dress your brand for Halloween.

The best way to start your online marketing efforts for Halloween is to disguise your brand. Yes, as you read this, it is about making a small change to your corporate image, it will not be something permanent. So a few weeks before this holiday you can incorporate this amazing theme.

How? You can use the signature colors of this day on your website, which are usually orange, black and purple. Or if you prefer, put traditional images of this date on your home page. You can even change your social media cover photo related to the night of terror.

Your logo can be the star of this simple change, simply by adding a detail such as a witch’s hat or a spider web in the corner. These are small details that do not completely change the brand identity, but give it that special touch.

By applying these simple details, your users will notice that you are developing a real strategy around this date.

2.- Launch irresistible offers.

As you already know, you need to take advantage of any special date and include it in your marketing calendar to plan your strategy. And Halloween is one of those times that you can take advantage of to launch offers that will awaken the desire to buy in consumers.

Perhaps there are already customers interested in purchasing some of your products or services, but they haven’t yet made the decision to buy. What better way to get them to take action than by making them an offer they can’t resist. Most importantly, you can use this vacation as an excuse to make it something special.

This involves creating offers through online marketing actions for Halloween that are exclusive to this celebration. This means that it will have a time limit, which will generate in users a sense of urgency and not wanting to miss this opportunity.

3.- Humanize your business

More and more consumers are looking for closer brands they can feel identified with. To do this, you can hold a Halloween party with your work team where photos are taken in disguise and shared on social media. Fans are sure to enjoy looking at them.

The goal of this is to put a face to the members of your company who are behind the work being done to reach customers. It is a way to bring the brand closer to consumers and give them an opportunity to meet the human team through this fun activity.

4.- Use hashtags related to the theme

Following the dynamics of creating content for social networks, it is important to highlight the use of hashtags in your online marketing efforts for Halloween. These are widely used by brands, especially when working with the holiday.

For example, you can use a hashtag to upload photos of your outfit in disguise or to invite your followers to dress up, such as #HalloweenConXxx. Or it might also be a good idea to create one to promote your special offers, for example: #HorrorOffers. If possible, add your brand name to further personalize it.

This way, you can use the hashtags you create for this date in all your Halloween-related publications. They are ideal for spreading your content and increase the chances that users will find your brand while searching for a hashtag.

In addition, they are great allies for improving your web ranking, only if you have a well-developed SEO strategy. You should also think that if many users use them, you will get free advertising, since many will talk about your brand.

5.- Give a terrifying gift

Making the most of social media is the absolute best strategy, but you have to know how to plan for it. A good alternative is to organize a Halloween giveaway where your audience can participate and your brand gets user-generated content (UGC).

You can ask people to share a photo with their best costume or, like this example, a photo with their worst scary face. They also have to add the hashtag you created specifically for this initiative. This helps you generate branding and engagement and you can establish a close relationship with your community.

In addition, it will not only allow you to retain your followers, but you can earn more money. To do this, you can require as a giveaway requirement that each person who shares a photo, mentions a certain number of friends and invites them to follow you and participate.

6.- Win with a roulette wheel

There are not only social networks, there are other excellent channels to reach the ideal audience. One of them is email marketing, the first thing you should do is to attract potential prospects. How? You can create a roulette that allows you to attract users and retain customers.

With this type of campaign, prizes are awarded randomly, that is, the user doesn’t have to wait long to find out if they have won, they know right away. You can link this roulette to your discount codes, so that only those who have purchased in your store or e-commerce, get the validation code.

But the key to this strategy is that to access Halloween roulette, the user must first complete the data form and enter the code. And at the same time they will know if they have won and what the prize is.

7.- Send email marketing campaigns.

Note that not everyone is a fan of social media, but you need to reach more and more people. How can this be done? Through email marketing campaigns, this is a channel that has two great features, it is direct and personalized.

So you need to add to your online marketing efforts for Halloween by sending personalized emails. Keep in mind that they will help you improve communication with your consumers and you won’t need a lot of time or a large budget.

Take advantage of email marketing to advertise in real time the offers you have prepared for this ‘chilling’ date. They must be interesting enough for users to come in and buy your products or services.

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The best Black Friday newsletters that can inspire you Sun, 11 Dec 2022 09:47:17 +0000

Users expect deals in the last months of the year, so you should work on Black Friday 2021 campaigns. This is the most anticipated weekend, as sales are really good and people take advantage of it to buy whatever they want.

Black Friday kicks off the holiday shopping season, so there are significant sales in both retail stores and department stores. It is a great opportunity for companies to get rid of old stock such as collections from past seasons.

That’s why Black Friday 2021 campaigns cannot miss in your marketing calendar with which you can reach all consumers who have been waiting all year for this famous weekend of crazy discounts.

Black Friday campaigns to inspire you
It is always good to have examples to follow that will help you create your Black Friday 2021 campaigns. For this reason, you will see some newsletters designed by recognized brands for this discount season so demanded by customers:

1.- Apple

Less is more, this is exactly what the design of Apple’s newsletter communicates, which begins with its traditional logo. Although they do not put the word “Black” in the headline, the black background is emblematic and is complemented by the phrase “Friday is just the beginning.”

Underneath the catchy headline, there is a short paragraph urging “don’t miss Apple’s shopping event” and then pointing out the days when it will take place. And, of course, you can’t miss the call to action, which requires the user to make a reservation for this occasion.

Apple has always stood out for its minimalist design, with its usual colors being black and white. This shows that the company always adheres to the brand identity. What stands out most is that it has put aside the use of images of its products and focused on simplicity and clarity of text to convey the message.

2.- Forever 21

On this list of Black Friday 2021 campaigns that can inspire you for this year is Forever 21. This creative design begins with a headline that awakens a sense of urgency, “Goodbye Black Friday… it ends at midnight!”

Next comes the most striking thing, the presentation of the discounts as if they were a lottery ticket of the kind you scratch to see what’s underneath. This digital version of the card succeeded in attracting and piquing the interest of consumers. They also used animated GIFs to liven up the newsletter.

After the discount percentages, there is text indicating the discount that will be applied to the online purchase. And then a call-to-action inviting the subscriber to unveil their new offer. It has everything necessary for users to feel interested in finding out what discount they will get.

It should be noted that this is just one of the series of emails Forever 21 sent out for the Black Friday campaign. But they all maintained the same digital paper dynamic and design aesthetic. Although they all focus on the same thing, they wanted to convey it in a different way.

3.- Casper

It is normal for Black Friday campaigns to use colors such as black and red, but that does not mean that it cannot be done differently. An example is that of the Casper brand, which relies on a blue and white tone. But it makes it clear to subscribers that this is a Black Friday version.

Casper does not specify the percentage off, but the amount a customer can save on a purchase. It also offers consumers a gift code and they get straight to the point with an inviting CTA.

But beyond the information it provides to the subscriber, what is most striking is the GIF. It is a gift box and when opened it shows a moon, a graphic that makes sense given that it is a mattress store. This makes a clear reference to sleeping at night.

4.- National Geographic

Another of the Black Friday 2021 campaigns that can inspire you is that of National Geographic. It also retains its brand identity by using its signature colors, which in this case are yellow, gray, and black.

From the outset, it makes it clear how much customers can save by purchasing books, DVDs, maps, travel supplies, and more. It also offers one of its kits at a fairly low price, followed by the CTA so consumers can buy.

They also show a selection of their products on sale at their normal price versus the discounted price. All of this ends with another call to action that reads “Buy all offers,” is a way of reaffirming the first CTA.

5.- The Hill-Side

Black is back in the design, in this case by The Hill-Side brand, but it has a splash of color with fallen leaves scattered all over the canvas. Undoubtedly, what stands out most in the text is the word “Sale,” along with the phrase “30% off everything.”

In addition, they offer a special Black Friday discount code that will be valid for that weekend. Without a doubt, this newsletter contains everything the user needs to know. And they use large fonts that, although they may be challenging, achieve the goal of capturing attention.

6.- BaubleBar

For Black Friday 2021 campaigns you can use BaubleBar as a guide, which also preserves brand identity. Start with a keyword “VIP Access.” If there is one thing consumers love, it is feeling unique.

It is a brand that stands out for its use of the color pink, which is present throughout the design and makes it instantly recognized by customers. Aside from the exclusive access, it emphasizes the sense of urgency by stating that it is “only 12 hours.” In addition, the discount percentage takes up most of the screen, with no need to saturate.

And last but not least, they also provide a VIP discount code, followed by the call to action. Both the exclusivity and the limitation of this offer encourage the user to make the purchase as soon as possible.

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Discover the best times to send your SMS marketing campaigns Sun, 11 Dec 2022 09:40:37 +0000

Campaigns in the marketing world are increasingly important, and knowing the best times to send SMS is critical. Not all audiences are willing to receive a message at any time of day, and there are times that are more favorable than others. It will all depend on the type of message you want to send, the speed at which it is sent, and the immediacy of the message.

The best times to send SMS marketing are those that will greatly benefit the campaign and with which good results will be achieved. Among the goals is to have visibility, engagement and digital presence of the brand. Every campaign must have clear goals, otherwise it will work without specific direction.

There are many ways to find out what are the best times to send SMS marketing. The important thing is to reach as many people as possible, and for this knowing the target audience is crucial. Users follow established daily routines that you need to know in order to carry out an effective marketing campaign.

Study the customer: the best times to send SMS marketing

Understanding what the needs of a company’s customers are is a priority for marketing teams. When it comes to getting the best times to send SMS marketing, this is critical. Knowing a person know what they do and when they do it will allow you to know when to send an effective and quality SMS campaign.

Analyzing customer behavior is also important to know which type of content is more relevant than others. Having a defined profile on the type of customer you want to send a message to is critical to the SMS process.

Aspects to consider when sending SMS messages
There are currently some aspects that need to be considered before launching an SMS Marketing campaign. These points will allow us to know with certainty the behaviors of the individuals who are part of the target audience. As a result, the results will be maximized in a very positive way. Some of the aspects to consider are:

A.- The time zone
This point is very important to know the best times to send SMS marketing, especially if you are in another country or continent. For example, it is not the same to conduct a campaign for Italy at 1:00 p.m. in Argentina, as it would be about 7:00 p.m. in the beautiful country. This may affect the effectiveness of the messages.

B.- Company reputation influences the best times to send SMS marketing

Another very important factor in determining the best times to send SMS is reputation. This goes hand in hand with a customer’s previous experience with a brand. Reputation can be a key factor when sending an SMS Marketing campaign, as it is not the same to run a campaign from Apple and a smaller company.

Good content in an SMS Marketing campaign that wants to generate a good brand reputation has these characteristics:

  • Entertain.
  • Inspire.
  • Educate.
  • Help.
  • Build rapport.
  • Reward.

C.- Consistency of messages.
Customers tend to pay less attention to messages they have received in bulk, especially if they have already received hundreds during a week. You need to be sure not to overwhelm the people you want to get the message through.

What are the best times to send SMS marketing?

To find the best times to send SMS Marketing, you need to analyze your customers. Having done that, you need to analyze the type of message you want to send through the campaign. Sending a routine message to customer service is not the same as sending an entire promotion in which you want to capture the users’ attention.

You have to be aware of the routine, the activities, the day of the week, and the time of the customers so that you don’t interrupt them and lose the importance of the messages. The best thing to do is to send SMS Marketing messages at a time that is not busy in consumers’ routine.

Generic sending times
This ensures that messages are received, read, and interpreted by users. You can start by knowing what the generic or usual message sending times are for each individual:

  • Between 7:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. people usually eat breakfast and are attentive to the different news items of the day.
  • Between 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m., it is lunch time and where people usually take a break from their daily activities.
  • 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. are the hours when an office workday usually ends. People are on their way home.
  • 9:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. are a time when people usually have dinner and rest after a day of work. This is a good time to check the cell phone.
  • One of the secrets at this point is to send an SMS Marketing campaign when people are using their cell phones. They might be checking their social networks, their e-mails or surfing the web, this is one of the best times to send SMS marketing.

Physical store promotions: a case in point

In case you want to launch a promotion for a weekend, it is ideal to start the message during the week. A good day is from Thursday onward. The success of an SMS Marketing campaign will also depend on the type of business you have. Sending messages from a children’s school is not the same as sending them from a nightclub.

The best time to send SMS marketing in this type of activity is when people are near their mobile devices. Between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. people are still at work, but aware of their notifications and messages. Another very interesting time to send an SMS Marketing campaign is also between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm.

How to choose the ideal time for an SMS Marketing campaign
An average ordinary user may check his or her cell phone almost 150 times a day. This means that there are about 150 opportunities for the user to see a message in their SMS inbox. Knowing how to determine goals is critical to knowing the best times to send SMS marketing.

The best schedules will depend on a few factors such as the message objective, industry, and user behavior. With this in mind, the following should be considered:

1.- Type of message to be sent

Messages in an SMS Marketing campaign are divided into transactional and promotional.

The former are those that include crucial delivery time information so that users can use a product or service. For example, messages confirming a payment, confirmation of a reservation, or a verification code.

Promotional messages are those focused on generating sales and promoting a service or product. It is not advisable to send these messages on weekends and only during business hours from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. They include:

  • Discounts.
  • Coupons.
  • Special offers.

2.- Apply the best times to send SMS marketing on a schedule.
There is always an ideal schedule for a user, but there is also a negative scenario. Contacting a person very early in the morning is not good, just as contacting them very late at night is not good.

3.- Think about when users will be on their cell phones.
Although a cell phone always accompanies people, it is not always possible to check it for various reasons.
You can review messages during working hours, especially if it is an emergency, but it is not advisable. After work, between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., is one of the best times to send SMS marketing.

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Find out what the gaming trends will be for 2022 Sun, 11 Dec 2022 09:26:46 +0000

The e-sports industry is taking up more and more ground, so it is important to know the 2022 gaming trends. That way you can create your strategies based on what gaming enthusiasts may really be interested in.

As early as 2020, we began to see new technologies related to this sector. But it was in 2021 that brands gradually adopted and implemented. This is why an evolutionary leap in the games and entertainment industry is expected in the coming year.

It should be noted that these types of games have exploded in recent years. According to data from Newzoo, there are 2.69 billion mobile game players worldwide. They highlight that they dominate the App Store revenue share (66 percent), so growth can be expected in 2022.

Learn about gaming trends 2022
Now that you know the growth this industry has experienced in recent years and will continue to increase in the coming years, it is good to be aware of the 2022 gaming trends. The idea is that you can plan your strategy:

1.- Inclusion of the 5G mobile network.

Top of the 2022 gaming trends is the inclusion of the 5G network. Although it has already been implemented in 2021 in some cities, where the response of gamers has been positive, it will be expanded to other areas next year.

With this new network, an exponential increase in the number of users and the quality of video games is expected. Which will cause a higher valuation than in 2020 for the industry. It would also reduce the frustration that players feel when they are cut off in the middle of an online game play.

So by 2022, it is expected that most of the major operators in different countries around the world will have deployed this network at least in major cities. Keep in mind that the high speeds and low latency of this network will allow you to offer online games with greater reliability.

It is also of great benefit to those spectators/players who wish to follow these live sporting events. Also for those who want to play in the famous live casinos without suffering delays and with high resolutions. And it also applies to the different games offered by gambling gaming platforms.

2.- Casino games in the video game version

For gambling enthusiasts, 2022 will bring with it digital casino games, in a videogaming format. So there are already casinos and game development companies that are planning to make some sort of convergence so that their titles resemble video games and make them more compelling.

Although there are already some gambling games that allow the player to feel like they are in a very video game-like environment. These include a story, characters, map exploration, adventures, combat, and more. But the key is that participants can place their own bets.

What you want to achieve with the convergence of casino games and video games is for the player to feel part of gaming and not see it as just a betting space. So you know that in 2022 there will be renowned digital casinos that will have a good number of these games available.

3.- Expansion of virtual reality

Virtual reality is not a new trend; in fact, it has been on the market for several years. However, it enters the 2022 gaming trends because it will remain and expand even more. So much so that next year more production and competition in VR devices is expected, this will make prices more affordable.

But not only that, this technology will eventually be implemented in both gaming and gambling. Now the key question is what new experiences will gamers be able to enjoy? Taking online casinos as an example, you will enjoy the following:

  • They will hear sounds as if they were in a real casino.
  • They will visualize your movements with their hands and arms.
  • The games will seem more realistic.
  • They will be able to interact with other players.

4.- Other mobile games

Mobile games are among the gaming trends of 2022, although this is nothing new, they will be further improved next year. And this is because they are constantly renewing themselves over time. For example, game enthusiasts change consoles every 6 or 7 years, while mobile devices can be renewed annually.

There are cell phones that include gaming licenses in launch promotions such as Fornite, Call of Duty, etc. Advertising companies have realized that users spend most of their time on their cell phones. Therefore, advertising in mobile games is well paid.

This has undoubtedly been an impetus for mobile game developers to continue innovating. And this in turn encourages popular brands to become eSport sponsors.

5.- Rise of social games

Another of the gaming trends of 2022 are social games, which will have an increase in the coming year. It should be noted that in 2020 this trend was reinforced because of the impact of the pandemic. Many gamers have found a way to interact socially with other people while confined.

These are basically the titles that allow interaction between players while they play, whether on their mobile devices or PCs. All indications are that in 2022 they will be seen not only in traditional board games but also in multiplayer and cooperative games.

In fact, these types of games are similar to real gambling games that can be played against other people and participate for a prize. But the most interesting feature is that they allow real interaction between players.

6.- Increased presence of influencers in gaming

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Reputation marketing: what it is and how to take advantage of it Sun, 11 Dec 2022 09:20:47 +0000

Reputation marketing is indispensable in today’s digital world. A company that has a good overall image among its consumers will generally be more successful than its competitors. This is due to the idea that customers have in their minds about the products or services offered by a particular brand.

Good reliable marketing is able to offer many benefits not only to the company, but also to a very large number of customers. The relationship between them increases, as does the users’ interest in the brand. Likewise, it strengthens the company’s social license.

A good reputation can be a very important lifeline when times of crisis come within the organization. One of the great goals of companies is to achieve good reputable marketing that allows them to position themselves well in people’s minds.

The trust and recognition that brands generate online are vital elements of digital marketing. No matter if a company has been in the market for a long time or is of recent date, reputation is a key point in seeking strategies that result in an increased customer base.

What is Reputation Marketing?

Reputation Marketing is known as the set of actions designed or focused on meeting or exceeding customer expectations. In other words, it is the techniques used to develop and maintain a good reputation and can be achieved by small actions such as having a good conversation or meeting needs.

Among the most important points Reputation Marketing offers is to add value to a company. Interest groups are very interested in investing time and money in companies where they are considered part of the same environment. It is also critical because reputation gives a brand a transparency that cannot be gained in any other way.

Benefits of reputation marketing

It is very common to see companies like Google or like Apple gain followers on social networks and grow their sales to unprecedented levels. Reputation plays a key role in making this happen and should not be overlooked if you want to have a successful business. Reputation marketing allows a brand to be more profitable and interesting.

This is because it is the customers themselves who start recommending a particular brand, based on their own experience. It is totally organic advertising that allows you to attract new customers without the need to invest a single euro. Other specific benefits of reputation marketing are:

  • Reputable companies have more opportunities to focus on growing their reputation and innovating new products and services.
  • A brand with good reputation marketing tends to attract and retain the best human talent within its organization.
  • The younger generation is looking for companies with good SEO, SEM and reputable positioning to practice their professions.
  • A good reputation allows organizations to actively listen to the public to innovate and make the most of their windows of opportunity.
  • Metrics at all levels progressively increase in a company with a good reputation.
  • Stock market shares rise in companies with good reliable marketing. Therefore, they are becoming more and more valuable in the market.

Steps to have good reputation marketing

There are currently 8 effective ways to have a good reputation marketing strategy in your company that will undoubtedly yield positive results. Getting into the mind of the customer is important, and the following steps are key to achieving this goal.

1.- Content audit.
Audits and inventories are one way to build a good reputation. Doing an analysis of the content offered by a brand is critical. At this point, everything is closely related to the mission, vision and goals of the company.

Comments left on social networks, blogs or website should be constantly reviewed to meet the needs of the audience. Among the best companies with good reputations are Coca Cola, Amazon, and Apple.

2.- Follow up conversations.
Once contact is established between the company and the customer, the customer has a definite position on it, which can be positive or negative. Keeping track of the conversations you have with different customers is critical not only to get to know the audience but to find out how to meet your most immediate needs.

3.- Communication plan: reputation marketing

There must be a consistent communication plan that clearly and concisely allows for constant feedback between company and customer.

Marketing teams must be heavily involved at this point to achieve all goals. If you implement a content strategy to achieve good reputation marketing, you must have someone to measure, organize, and cultivate it.

4.- The company’s internal teams.

All the parts that make up a company need to know its mission, vision and goals. They also need to know what role each individual plays in the organization. This is a very important aspect so that the whole structure functions in a very oiled way.

Knowing the reputation of an organization will serve to enhance it more and keep it relevant in any field.

Communication is crucial because this is what will make the brand available to the customer. A good example of this is charities that work with a team of volunteers who know their role very well.

5.- Empower the company
Here it is crucial that the customer is satisfied with the product or service offered by the brand. This will make it possible to convey a positive message to the person. Good reliable marketing is that which thrives on customer feedback.

For example, you can talk about companies that send a message to their followers about the environment and its care. These are well-viewed ideas that generate empathy in many people who end up spreading the message even more.

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Communication Agency Sun, 11 Dec 2022 07:26:14 +0000 What is a communications agency
A communications agency is the added value of your business.

In fact, it helps any kind of business promote itself with the best communication technologies.

In recent years, in addition to the well-known “communication agencies,” people have also begun to talk about “web agencies,” which are nothing more than the natural evolution of the communication agency in the digital direction.

In fact, as can be easily understood from the name, the latter have developed in the internet era and have within them professional figures purely specialized in the online world such as web designers, programmers, SEO and SEM experts, copywriters, content editors and social media managers.

What does a communications agency do?
The phases of work can be the most varied; there are phases of study, listening, planning and implementation of what is perceived and examined.

The communication agency, first, analyzes the market and consumer needs, identifies the company’s target audience; develops an advertising message and creates attractive content, ad hoc for that particular audience, following the most searched keywords.

This is conveyed through marketing or web and social marketing strategies, if it is a web agency.

It also deals with the creation and implementation of websites, social media management, creation of mobile applications, and takes care of the whole funnel.

The result of such work will be a studied positioning with measurable campaigns and activities, with clear objectives and a targeted and performing strategy that has as its mission the growth of its clients and the purpose of generating revenue and new buyers.

The working steps of a communications agency should never be less than 7 To make them more streamlined and understandable, we have also summarized them in this inforgraphic.


It already takes place during the first cognitive meeting with the client and is very important to obtain much of the information regarding the company such as, for example, production processes, division of labor, strengths and weaknesses.

Subsequent meetings usually revolve around the discourse of communication and marketing. Last but not least, it is primary to understand the needs the client’s wishes and the available budget.


Analysis is essential; without it, one could not proceed with the study of a communication strategy and consequently with the communication plan.

As a rule, market analysis is divided as follows:

  • Demographic analysis: allows us to know the number of inhabitants of a given area, population density, occupations, income brackets, gender and age. With this type of analysis, the target audience, goals and volume, i.e., the number of potential customers, can be outlined.
  • Competitor analysis: allows you to get an overview of businesses that offer similar services or products, their location, strengths and weaknesses, and many other details specific to each particular industry.
  • Needs analysis: examines the needs of consumers and is the most complex, but decisive analysis for the success of a sound marketing strategy.

Communication strategy

Once the sender of the message has been analyzed and the recipient of the message has been outlined, all that remains is to devise and implement a communication strategy, which will then be conveyed through the channels – of the online and offlin – chosen.

And it is at this precise moment that all the figures that are part of the communication agency come into play, who, guided by the project manager begin to work in a coordinated way to achieve the established goals.


One aspect that should not be overlooked is the creation of storytelling through which to build or simply strengthen a brand’s identity.

The communication agency, at this stage has the arduous task of examining the message that the company wants to convey, trying to interpret it in the best possible way, branching it out through the most appropriate channels.


Here we come to the crucial point for which the above has been made so far.

The sale is, in fact, the direct consequence of the successful completion of the marketing activity put in place by the agency.


Finally, there is the phase related to customer management and retention.

These two aspects are increasingly becoming a strong point of the customer journey-something that companies take quite a bit for granted and not all of them have implemented yet.

Feedback Analysis

This last step is essential to monitor the progress of the campaign and understand its relative strengths and weaknesses.

And it is precisely thanks to feedback analysis that, as time goes on, it will become easier and easier to understand which advertising media have better conversions and thus develop increasingly targeted and high-performing strategies.

How to open a communication agency?
First of all, before creating your communications agency, you will have to decide whether to open a sole proprietorship or a corporation and consequently in which tax regime to enter it.

After that you will have to register your business with the Business Register kept at the local Chamber of Commerce, register the business with the Internal Revenue Service and apply for the issuance of a VAT number.

The last step in the bureaucratic process will be to obtain a license from the municipality where your agency will be based.

But let’s turn to the subject of “expenses,” the sore point of any self-employed business.

In fact, in addition to the expenses of a normal VAT number, there are many underestimated expenses that affect every communications agency including:

  • The internet connection that needs to be fast and professional
  • State-of-the-art computers and monitors
  • Ergonomic furniture complements designed for those who do very sedentary work
  • Renting a room to work in, electricity bills, etc.
  • Essential programs to work with, such as publishing software, SEO content management, video and graphics programs
  • Budget for self sponsorships to get the word out about your new business
  • Training/upgrading courses

Always keep one thing in mind: NEVER sell off your own work!
Clearly, the first few years will have a limited profit margin, but that is the normal progression of any business.

Make yourself known, work well so that you build a good reputation that will allow you to grow with clients and thus earnings.

What are the professionals who work in a communication agency?
Here they are listed.

Junior/ Senior Account

The account is the figure who connects the client and the agency, he/she is in charge of managing the contacts between them, trying to meet the needs and requests of the client with the work of the agency. He has a strategic role in that he must be able to understand and interpret what the client wants and be able to rework the information in a creative and communicative way.

After doing this, he must draft the communication plan.
Adv specialist

This figure is responsible for managing campaigns on the various platforms chosen, whether they are in the offline or online worlds

Project manager

This is a very technical professional figure whose job is to manage all the agency’s digital projects.

Strategic planner

It is not present in all communication agencies, but it should, as it is a highly strategic figure, purely focused on the analysis of consumer insight with the aim of defining a targeted strategy. This role is widely used for new product launches or to relaunch products of big international brands.
Creative director

The director leads the creative team and outlines and defines the creative footprint for the agency. He listens, proposes and directs his team’s ideas to the best possible choice.

Content manager

Handles the management and sometimes the production of content. Creates the editorial plan, outlines the storytelling and oversees the production of content to be published on the different platforms


This figure is in charge of writing content that differs each time according to the message to be disseminated, the target audience to be addressed and the communication channel chosen.

Art director

The art director is the one who directs the visual and graphic part of a project or advertising campaign and has the arduous task of translating the themes expressed by the copywriter into unique images. This is precisely why, in most agencies, the two find themselves working closely together

Web designer

This is a figure who specializes on the creation and makeover of sites and apps and everything related to the front-end. In most cases he is in charge of controlling the user experience on them.

Graphic designer

The graphic designer works with both text and images. He is in charge of the general layout and design of advertisements, websites, and magazines. He also deals with the choice of fonts, size colors, headlines and text

Video Editor

Professionalism very similar to Graphic designer, dealing with video editing and 3D modeling

Social Media Manager

This is definitely the professional figure that has been introduced most recently within communication agencies, he is in charge of managing social profiles, writing the plan and editorial calendar. If it has the skills, it will also deal with SEO AND SEM.

Press office

As can be guessed, these are figures who maintain relationships with journalists, influencers, newsrooms, and TV. They are in charge of writing and issuing press releases, maniacally checking their actual publication.


Usually developers are divided into web and software developers, and often in an agency the two figures overlap.

Small tip, if you are looking for staff, but don’t know where to start, search Linkedin for the figure you are missing, or post a job offer directly on your IN bulletin board.

We’re going to discover hot water, but good old word of mouth is always useful for getting the word out far and wide with the help of friends, family, former colleagues and clients.

It is certainly also the most convenient means, but it is not very measurable and especially not very fast or targeted toward your target audience. In fact, one of the main mistakes you make is not knowing how to accurately target your ideal customer.

Okay, now you must be wondering how to identify him: try to draw him, put it in black and white for whom and with whom you would like to work, how you think you can reach him, what his source of information might be, what he wants, what he is afraid of and instead who/what he trusts.

Another good method – given also the work you do – is to advertise, DESIGN A COMMUNICATION STRATEGY for your Agency, use your website and Blog section, to increase visibility on Google search results and acquire new clients.

Fundamental is the creation of a modern, flexible, SEO-optimized, high-performing website.

Keep it updated over time with quality content pertaining to your communications agency business.

In fact, having an up-to-date blog with news and information on target is a plus point for you to broaden your user base.

Once identified, you should find it easier to decide how and where to track it down: Facebook, Linkedin, search engine placement and/or adv, advertising on local TV/newspapers, networking during trade shows, and so on.

Without even talking too much about it, create a specific, clear and targeted message that provides value and highlights the successes you have achieved with your work.

In conclusion, periodically check how much you spend and how much you get back from each operation; therefore, eliminate those with little profit and direct the budget to those that, instead, perform better.

Do the work you love and do it better than others.

We don’t feel like giving you any more advice or any more information before jumping into the amazing world of communication, whether online or offline.

As in all fields, results come with time, perseverance, tenacity, skill and love for what you do.

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