Social Marketing – Online Marketplace Everything You Need to Know to Boost eCommerce Sales. Sun, 07 May 2023 04:00:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Social Marketing – Online Marketplace 32 32 214977547 Is it worth investing in Amazon Ads KDP? Everything you need to know before you start investing Sun, 11 Dec 2022 10:16:22 +0000

Every day digital platforms open more doors for people who do not have a large budget, as in the case of Amazon Ads KDP, which is a great opportunity for freelance authors who cannot pay a publisher to distribute their book.

It is certainly not the only platform that allows people to work in this way, in fact there are plenty of them in ebooks, online bookstores, etc. However, the leading American e-commerce company is the best option because of its popularity and reach.

If you want to publish your book through Amazon Ads KDP, then you need to know everything about this platform. You cannot start working with it without first knowing what it is, how it works, what it offers, pros and cons, cost of investment, etc.

More information about Amazon Ads KDP

Amazon Ads KDP was launched in late 2019, allowing desktop publishing authors to officially promote their books via the KDP dashboard. This advertising is slightly different from other products because of the structure of the product detail pages and the possible advertising formats.

KDP product detail pages differ from other pages in that only the front and back of the book are displayed as images. In addition, KDP advertisers can only show sponsored product ads and ads on the block screen.

Another relevant aspect is that customers have the opportunity to “look inside” the books, although they are not always displayed. Amazon takes care of generating the previews automatically. But it gives you the option of entering the book title, content description, and keywords for each product listed.

However, keep in mind that you cannot list any additional product attributes. Nor will you be able to add images beyond the front cover, back cover, or preview of the “discover” option.

How can Amazon Ads KDP benefit you?

Now that you know a little more about Amazon Ads KDP, it is appropriate for you to know those positive aspects that can benefit you. This will give you a clearer view of what you can achieve if you work with this type of advertising provided by the ecommerce platform:

A.- Publishing ebooks and pocket books
You have the option of publishing ebooks and Kindle paperbacks. In case you decide for the latter, Amazon will take care of printing your book and send it to the customer for you. This is a great advantage, as you will not need to have a large inventory in advance.

B.- No upfront expenses
One point to note is that publishing e-books for sale on Amazon KDP is free; you will have to share the revenue from the sale with Amazon. Keep in mind that the shared value will depend on the royalty option you choose and the file size of your ebook.

C.- No limit on publishing ebooks
Another great advantage offered by the Amazon Kindle Direct program is that there are no publishing limits. With the same account you can publish as many ebooks or paperbacks as you can write. You can also do so under different pseudonyms and categories.

D.- Buy your paperbacks in bulk.
In case you wish to have a few physical copies of your book to sell personally or give away, you can order them in bulk. You can do this within your KDP control panel, then Amazon will print the required number of copies and send them to you. You only have to pay the printing cost of each book.

E.- Sales range in the Kindle Store and
One of the big advantages for small authors is that they will have the same opportunities as larger, well-known authors. Because you will have the opportunity to move up the ladder and generate sales, which can help you better position your book.

F.- Worldwide sales
Working with desktop publishing on Amazon you will have access to millions of Kindle users. Obviously, you must have rights to your book in every country where it is sold, listed by the platform as “territory” in the KDP help pages. Also, you can put it up for sale on Amazon’s global marketplaces.

Learn about the type of content you can publish with KDP

Is your goal to work with Amazon Ads KDP? If this is the case, it is not enough to know what it is and the benefits it offers you. It is also very important that you are clear about the tips or content that can be published on this platform. On the help page itself they indicate the following:

  • Novels
  • Book series.
  • Children’s books.
  • Comic books.
  • Cooking books.
  • Magazines.
  • Poetry.
  • Textbooks.

Payments on Amazon Ads KDP
There is one key aspect you should know before making the decision to invest in Amazon Ads KDP. It is neither more nor less than the payment types, which in this case are divided into two:

1.- Payments for direct Kindle publishing.

By publishing ebooks on Amazon Ads KDP you can receive a percentage of revenue. There are two rates to select, 35% and 70%, but in the case of the higher one you must meet these criteria:

  • Your e-book should be priced between $2.99 and $9.99.
  • You must pay a distribution fee or shipping fee for each purchase, this will depend on the size of the digital file of your ebook. Amazon charges $0.15 per megabyte for each book sold between $2.99 and $9.99. You can test your rate calculator on the pricing page after publication.
  • If you sell physical copies, the price of the ebook must be at least 20 percent below the list cost of the paperback.
  • You need the copyright of the e-book, if it is in the public domain, it cannot receive a royalty greater than 70%.
  • Books must be registered in KDP Select to qualify for 70% royalty on sales to customers in Brazil, Japan, Mexico and India.

If you opt for the 35% payment, the requirements are:

  • If it is priced below $2.99 or above $9.99, you will receive a 35% royalty.
  • If you choose this option, you will not pay shipping charges.
  • These payments make sense for large books such as textbooks, cookbooks, or picture books with large files.

2.- Payments for paperbacks
On the other hand, there are payments for paperbacks, which are different. In this case, Amazon Ads KDP works with a fixed rate of 60% on books sold on the platform. From which the printing cost will be subtracted, which will depend on the page count, the type of ink, and the Amazon marketplace to which it was ordered.

But if you want to know exactly how much you should pay for your paperback, you can use Amazon’s printing cost calculator or apply the following equation: (Royalty rate x list price) – printing costs = payments.

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5 examples of Social Ads for this Black Friday with which to be successful on your Social Networks Sun, 11 Dec 2022 10:02:15 +0000

Understanding what are the best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday is very important, as it can be a source of inspiration for many. Black Friday is a very relevant date in the e-commerce world. It is the perfect showcase to massively promote products and services to thousands of people.

Especially in the Western world, a date like Black Friday is very important and many brands use it as a springboard before the arrival of Christmas. Making good use of strategies at this age is crucial because it allows you to stand out from the competition that is fierce. That is when the entire market and especially the competition show their products.

Social Ads examples for Black Friday will allow you to attract the attention of interested people who want to buy. As in 2020, the entire sales flow will materialize through digital channels this year. It is estimated that nearly 85 percent of sales will take place through the Internet.

Learn more about Black Friday

The term Black Friday originated in the United States in the 1950s and is always celebrated on the Friday after Thanksgiving.

It is considered the most important sale before the arrival of Christmas around the world. It is now a fixed date for consumption and shopping before December. Over the years and especially this past year 2020, consumer behavior has changed dramatically.

People no longer need to physically go to a store to buy a product. They can now do everything through the Internet and social media. This is where the best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday stand out.

Trends that will mark consumer behavior in 2021

This is a very special year and so many companies have adapted to what this new Black Friday 2021 will be like. Below you will find just a few trends that companies should follow to have the best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday:

A.- The rise of online sales
The pandemic has caused stores in general to adopt new forms of shopping. Consumers will prefer to make their purchases through the Internet and social networks. E-commerce companies will devote a large part of their resources to creating increasingly effective and appealing marketing campaigns.

Among the most important factors to maintain and optimize are:

  • Web loading speed.
  • User experience during purchase.
  • Overall navigation.

The buying process must be improved to make it totally intuitive and user-friendly. The loading of the web page cannot take more than three seconds, otherwise the user will abandon. Take Away is another new way of shopping that can be widely used this year.

B.- User interest: examples of Social Ads for Black Friday.
Offering big discounts and promotions will make people visit you weeks in advance to see what you are offering. Having a proper marketing strategy is critical, especially for examples of Social Ads for Black Friday on social networks. They will allow you to attract the attention of your target audience in one way or another.

C.- Users are spending more and more time on social networks.
Confinement has caused users to spend more time at home and thus the use of mobile devices and computers has increased. Now is the time to apply a strategy to attract potential customers. The scope of any strategy is much broader in these cases, both in terms of engagement and visibility.

The best Social Ads strategies for this 2021

Social networks are where potential customers go to get all kinds of information related to their favorite e-commerce store. Applying a Social Ads strategy is critical, as you can attract these people effectively.

There are several ways to apply these strategies, such as the following:

1.- Launch attractive offers.
To be considered within the full range of options on these dates, an effective strategy must be one that guarantees conversions. This is achieved with competitive promotions in the market and incentives to motivate the user to click.

2.- Create sales-focused campaigns: examples of Social Ads for Black Friday.
These are the dates when customers are willing to buy, so you can take advantage of this time with campaigns dedicated to conversion or sales. All efforts should be focused on this area and not on generating leads or interactions.

3.- Use remarketing with various price reductions.
Targeting users who have visited the Web and offering them discounts on the very items they are looking at is a good alternative. Discounts can also be applied to abandoned carts.

4.- Increase the budget and use keywords such as “Black Friday”
Increasing the budget will help to have some of the best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday. Similarly, using the keyword “Black Friday” is a tremendous incentive for all people on these dates.

5.- Encourage immediate action
You need to create a campaign that generates a sense of urgency in consumers. Applying phrases such as “Buy now” or “Take advantage of the promotion now” works very well. A countdown and discounts work well.

The best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday
Among the best examples of Social Ads for Black Friday are the following that show each of the factors that a good Social Ads should have for this season:

1.- Flavor God as an example of Black Friday social ads.

The food seasoning brand applies a very particular strategy for Black Friday where the price of each product stands out. It does so by emphasizing that prices start from $5.70 onwards. This aspect succeeds in immediately attracting the attention of all those who are interested by the use of typeface, colors and location of information.

2.- New York Public Library

The New York Public Library also runs a major social media campaign with a very special Black Friday promotion. It offers the chance to get every book 100% free. This campaign was launched in the New York Times newspaper on the back cover, but in turn replicated on the networks in a very special way.

It uses a very interesting image for the Christmas season in the United States, as well as a clear and direct message about the benefits customers receive.

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How to create a lead generation campaign on Instagram and make it work Sun, 11 Dec 2022 09:14:16 +0000

The use of social media is critical in any strategy.You can create your lead generation campaign from scratch on Instagram. It is a digital platform that has a high reach and visibility that can be useful when looking for new prospects.

This social network is a great channel not only to promote your products or services, but also to find potential customers. And this is because many users already use it as a way to search for companies or brands that offer something that might interest them.

Therefore, it is an excellent strategy to launch a lead generation campaign on Instagram, especially if you are starting your own business. The idea is that you can advertise your brand and at the same time find interested consumers.

Steps to create your lead generation campaign on Instagram
To start creating your lead generation campaign on Instagram, it is essential that you keep in mind a few steps to follow. These will help you structure your strategy from scratch and in case you are just starting out will serve as a guide:

1.- Set up your profile

If you want to post ads you will need a Facebook Page and a professional account on Instagram. This is about making the conversion of your personal profile to a business profile, so you need to do the following:

  • Go to your profile options and choose “Go to business profile.”
  • Then you will see the “Link your Facebook page” screen, in it you will see all the pages of which you are an administrator.
  • Select the one you want to associate with your Instagram business profile.
  • In the “Set up your company profile” option, you should review your company’s contact information.

With these simple steps you will have a professional Instagram account and have the ability to access Statistics. It will also help you promote directly from the app publication.

2.- Create a Business Manager account.
The next step to start your lead generation campaign on Instagram is to create a Business Manager account. In this case you need to follow these simple instructions:

  • Log on to the official page:
  • Click on “Create Account.”
  • Choose what your home page will be and enter your name and business email address.
  • Once Business Manager is set up, you will be able to add your Instagram account.

3.- Associate your professional Instagram account.
Have you already created your account in Business Manager? Then what you need to do is associate your professional Instagram account like this:

  • Enter the Business Manager.
  • Select the “Instagram Accounts” option.
  • Then click on “Request Instagram Account.”
  • Finally, add a username and password.

4.- Create an ad on Instagram.

Having already created and associated your account, the next step is to create the ad on Instagram. To do this you need to follow these simple steps:

  • Log in to ad creation and select the “Create New Ad” option.
  • Choose an Instagram-approved goal: brand awareness, coverage, traffic, app downloads, video views, conversions, and lead generation. This last option is the one that will help you attract leads.
  • Then select the audience for your ad: age, interests, and more.
  • In the positions you will choose Instagram and remove Facebook.
  • You need to edit the positions to select Instagram in Facebook Business Manager.
  • Choose a daily budget or a campaign budget.
  • Finally, in the format you will be able to choose the media format you want to use for the ad. Keep in mind that it will depend on the target you have chosen.

5.- Choose the ad format

Do you want to be successful in your lead generation campaign on Instagram? Then you should focus on one of the most important aspects, it is nothing more and nothing less than the ad format. Therefore, the following tips will be of great help in this process:

A.- Image design tips.
The first thing you need to consider is that the size of the image is 1080 Γ— 1080 pixels. While in the caption, 125 characters are recommended for the text text.

Technical requirements
Now you know how to design images in Instagram ads. What follows are the technical requirements you need to have:

  • Image ratio: horizontal format (1.91: 1), square format (1: 1), vertical format (4: 5).
  • Minimum resolution: 600 x 315 pixels (1.91: 1 horizontal format) / 600 x 600 pixels (1: 1 square format) / 600 x 750 pixels (4: 5 vertical format).
  • Caption: text only, with a maximum of 2,200 characters.
  • Limited compatibility: horizontal format.
  • Maximum resolution: 1936 Γ— 1936 pixels.
  • File type: must be .jpg or .png.
  • Maximum size: 30 MB.
  • Text percentage: the image cannot contain more than 20% text.

B.- Tips for designing videos.
Just as there are tips for designing images, there are also tips for video format. One of these is H.264 video compression, which should preferably be high profile. Also, square pixels, fixed frame rate, and progressive scan.

Technical requirements
Regarding technical requirements in the lead generation campaign on Instagram in video format, you need to consider the following:

  • Video proportions: horizontal format (1.91: 1), square format (1: 1), vertical format (4: 5).
  • Caption: text only, the recommended one is 125 characters, however it has a maximum of 2200 characters.
  • Audio comprehension: stereo AAC, preferably greater than 128 kbps.
  • Minimum duration: there is no minimum duration.
  • Maximum duration: 60 seconds.
  • Minimum resolution: in horizontal format (1.91: 1) 600 x 315 pixels; in square format (1: 1) 600 x 600 pixels; and in vertical format (4: 5) 600 x 750.
  • File type: .mp4 with initial MOOV atom preferred.

C.- Carousel format
When you go to create your lead generation campaign on Instagram, you will also find the carousel format. It is the one that allows you to add more images, so you can show more details of the product you are offering. In this case you have to take care of these aspects:

  • The file type: include .jpeg or .png. with a maximum of 30 MB per image.
  • Legend text: like the previous ones, only 125 characters and a maximum of 2,200 is recommended.
  • Image size: recommended 1080 x 1080 pixels.
  • Minimum resolution: 600 x 600 pixels and the maximum is 1080 x 1080 pixels.
  • Number of cards: you can use a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 10.

D.- Advertisements in stories

And finally, you have the ad format in Stories, it has great potential because of its high reach and daily viewing. Remember that you can take advantage of this full-screen experience to showcase your products, with images (5 seconds by default) or video (15 seconds).

The following details need to be taken care of in this type of ad format:

  • Vertical format: it is full screen 9:16.
  • File types: when it comes to video it must be .mp4 or .mov, and in the case of images .jpg or .png. Maximum size of 4 GB for videos and 30 MB for images, and the recommended resolution is 1080 x 1920 with a minimum of 600 x 1067.

6.- Create the advertising form

After selecting the ad format you wish to use in your lead generation campaign on Instagram, the next thing to do is to create the ad form. Keep in mind that this is the most important element in any lead generation strategy.

You need to look for the “Ad Form” option, there you will click on “New Form.” Then you have to set up the welcome screen, although it is not mandatory, it is a relevant factor to better explain your ad. But if you consider that it is already perfectly understood, you can omit it.

Next, you will select the questions you want to send to users. For this, it is important to think in advance what data you want to know. When you are sure of the questions, go to the “Add relevant questions” section.

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How to match Facebook Ads and ChatBot Messenger Sun, 11 Dec 2022 08:37:06 +0000 Great, you have your facebook page, you already have some users following you, liking your posts! Perfect!!!

Now what to do? πŸ˜‰

What I want to show you in this article is how to optimize your facebook page by combining it with your instant messaging system.

Facebook ads and messenger bots can be a winning combination to make your page “go” on its own! We will create a system that will lead to a direct dialogue with our audience on messenger.

As we know, through our business page on facebook, we cannot send messages to individuals unless they first send us a message.

And this is exactly what I want to explain to you: how to bring users to your messenger so that you can communicate directly with them.

Creating a Messenger-type Facebook Ads campaign will help you boost conversations with your contacts and increase your chances of turning them into customers.

Don’t be scared, it is very simple and I will explain it step by step.

Obviously, every facebook ad campaign has to take into account its target audience and understand whether or not it can be receptive to this type of strategy. So evaluate your target audience well first, then dedicate yourself to creating a good advertising campaign of this type.

If you need advice you can always ask us for a free one-hour consultation online here:
In the utmost years, Messenger has grown from a simple instant messaging app to a full-fledged platform that can be leveraged for advertising and interaction with its users. The data regarding users is constantly growing. You can consult this page for constantly updated data:

But let’s start working on our facebook page.

To attract new users you necessarily have to create a post, possibly a sponsored post.

I will point you to two methods:

  • First method: publicize a new post
  • Second method: publicize a post on the page.

Before I tell you technically how to work on our facebook page I want to take a little step back to talk about a really important concept: conversations, dialogue.
The importance of dialogue with our customer
We at Kairos realize this more and more: every time we manage to establish a dialogue with our potential customer, we have doubled the chances of a sale. This happens to us all the time. If after a request for a quote made online we call our applicant and ask him questions, ask him questions, he realizes our capabilities and expertise and is much more likely to entrust his work to us. Among many quotes that will come to him he will have an eye on ours, simply because he has heard our voice and identified us as experts in the field.

The same thing happens on Facebook. In fact, Facebook should be seen as the direct continuation of our physical business. Just as we dialogue with the customer who asks us for a quote through other avenues, in the same way we should pay special attention to the requests that come to us from our facebook contacts.

As explained in the book referencing the Cluetrain Manifesto, “The Internet is different from traditional media used for mass marketing in that it allows people to have human-to-human conversations, and potentially these can radically transform traditional business practices.”

People want to ask questions, to interact, to understand who is the one whose advertisement they have seen, to understand whether he is competent or not. Now the user has raised a filter against advertisements, even those on facebook, and they don’t trust the adv, they want to understand who is behind it and whether the product/service they are selling is really good.

So we need to work on two fronts:
advertising, facebook adv will lead you to attract users and feed your page’s fan base
dialogue, so messenger will lead you to have a dialogue with him/her and clear any doubts he/she may have.
How to advertise a new post on a facebook page
Now let’s go back to our sponsorship and see how to advertise a new post on our facebook page.

Let’s go into our advertising account and create a simple sponsorship like this01 – let’s go to “create ads”

02 – we choose “traffic” or “conversions” as the target

03 – we indicate “messenger” as the destination point

04 – let’s set up “offer”, “audience”, “placements”, “budget and schedule”. If you don’t know how best to set up your ad campaign you can watch these free lessons we have made available on our YouTube channel:

05 – finally, choose “identity”, “format” and “link” and your ad with the goal “to bring users to your messenger” is ready!

But this is only one of the two methods I want to show you, the second one is really interesting! So let’s see the second method!
How to advertise an existing post

Now instead let’s look at the second method of sponsorship: how to advertise an existing post, that is, a post that we have already published on our page.

01 – Go to your facebook page and start creating a post. At the moment you are creating a post go to the 3 dots

and in the window that opens select “receive messages”

at this point you can continue the creation of your post with a nice picture or video! Watch out for copy and typos, please… otherwise you will be feeding your haters πŸ˜‰

02 – once you have created a post go to “create listings”

03 – this time let’s choose “interaction” as the goal

04 – we also set this time “offer”, “audience”, “placements”, “budget and schedule”

05 – at this point we can choose the page where we want to sponsor our post and the post we have already created previously by clicking on “select a post”.

And there our sponsorship will have the messenger button leading to your messaging application.

It is known that when there is a messenger button in a post, people have more incentive to send messages to ask for information.

Well, so far we have seen how to set up an advertising campaign that will lead users to write to you on messenger. But let’s go further.

If they write to you on messenger it would be a good idea to try to respond as quickly as possible. But very often you will not be able to do this because you are busy with something else. An effective way to respond quickly to your users is to set up a messenger bot.

What is a messenger bot?

It is a program that will respond for you to your users in a way that meets their information needs instantly. In this video I show you what a bot is and why to use it in our marketing strategy.
A bot can be configured to send differentiated automated responses for various call-to-actions. Through a chatbot it will be possible to answer questions in an automated way, it will be possible to do customer care, and it will even be possible to create a mini online e-commerce… all through the simple messaging system that by now each of us uses every day.

At the beginning of each conversation with your bot, the user will see a welcome message that will lead him to be able to choose among the various services that we will illustrate. All in the spirit of automation and interactive buttons. This strategy is geared to guide the user from the ad to the dialogue and eventual purchase or contact request without ever leaving Facebook. By properly setting up the ad campaign and subsequent chat communications we can automate and optimize the sale.

Are you already familiar with Autoresponders and Email Marketing funnels? Here, a bot can complement if not actually replace all of these. Moreover, the open rate and click rate data are far superior to those of email marketing.

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ChatFuel Italian Tutorial Sun, 11 Dec 2022 08:31:11 +0000

ChatFuel Italian Tutorial
In this article I explain how to make the best use of your facebook messenger by pairing it with an online chatbot.

If you have a facebook page that is starting to be successful you will surely have some users interacting with your page and your messenger.

As your users increase it is most useful to have a chatbot responding for you! That way you won’t have to spend your time responding to everyone and can focus on doing something else.

This way your user will also benefit because they will have an immediate answer to their question.

It sounds unbelievable, but it is possible to set up an online chatbot to answer all your users automatically and at the same time meet the needs of your users.

There are many platforms that allow you to set up a chatbot. In this article I talked about the 5 best platforms currently available and how to choose the one best suited for your business:

In this other article, however, I am dedicated to comparing the two platforms that, in my opinion, are currently the most comprehensive:

Without underestimating the importance of mail marketing that still has its why, in this article I want to dwell on the features that a facebook bot can have and offer you an Italian tutorial of Chatfuel (2018 version). If you want to access the full course on the new version of ChatFuel (updated April 2020) go to this link:

If you manage to combine mail marketing and chatbots you can have a winning combination to talk automatically with your user/customer.

The characteristics of automated messaging systems are extreme speed of response and ease of user interaction. And it is precisely to ensure that the user is able to interact in a simple and intuitive way that I propose this tutorial in Italian by chatfuel!

But let’s take a step back for a moment. What is a facebook bot? It is an automated messaging system that hooks into your Facebook Messenger or your other messaging systems such as Telegram and responds to your users immediately for you. It is good to understand that it responds exactly as you would respond because you are the one who can set the responses, the paths you want your user to take, the items you want to sell.

Exactly, you got it right!

A facebook bot can also be used as an e-commerce! So an online chatbot can: give assistance, explain your products or services, sell your products and services, improve conversions from users to customers because the user will be satisfied immediately, avoiding looking for answers to his questions from other sellers. All this can happen automatically, but under your control, because you only need to log into your messenger platform to see the users who are interacting with your facebook messenger, and you can also open live chat sections with users you want to talk to directly. In fact, at any instant you will be able to lock your chatbot to talk to your user! Your chatbot will always be under control despite the automation of your chat!

But now back to the purpose of this article, which is to give you a complete tutorial in Italian of one of the platforms that, in our opinion, is one of the best in the field of chatbots: chatfuel! As you will see in this totally Italian Chatfuel guide you will need very little time to set up your chatbot on your facebook messenger!
Chatfuel video course in Italian

Here you will find the first 4 video tutorials on how to best use the chatfuel platform to create your own chatbot (2018 version). If you want to stay updated you can also join our ChatFuel Italia facebook group from here:

But let’s get started!
Chatfuel Italian Video Tutorial #1 :: What is a Bot and why to use it in your Marketing strategy.
In this video we edit what a bot is and why it should be used no matter what type of business you have. We do an overview of what are the main benefits of using a chatbot how to use it to do retargeting on Facebook.
Chatfuel Italian Video Tutorial #2 :: The Dashboard

Let’s begin to understand how the ChatFuel platform works and how to start using it.
Chatfuel Italian Video Tutorial No. 3 :: The Interface

Let’s create a bot, connect it to the page we manage, and begin to understand how the various ChatFuel tabs work
Chatfuel Italian Video Tutorial #4 :: Welcome and Default Message.

These two are the most important blocks in the whole Bot. They are also the only mandatory ones and should be set as best as possible to avoid stressful dialogues between user and Bot.
Have you seen how many things we can do if we know how to use this platform well?
Access the full video course

If you want to learn how to set up your online chatbot, you can access the full video course by purchasing it here: or you can purchase the e-book!

Here are the video lessons you will find in the course:
01 Introduction

02 Dashboard

03 Interface

04 How to add new pages to connect

05 Welcome and Default Message

06 Card Text – Typing – Image

07 Card Gallery

08 Card Video

09 Groups and Blocks

10 Quick Replay and Buttons

11 Quick Replay and User Attribute

12 User Attribbute

13 Redirect to Block

14 Sequences

15 Configuration :: Link to Page

16 Configuration :: Persistent Menu

17 Configuration :: Time Zone and Payment

18 Configuration :: Team

19 Artificial Intelligence

20 Artificial Intelligence and Live Chat

21 Tab People

22 Reengage

23 Grow

24 Analyze :: part 1

25 Analyze :: part 2

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What are the best online chatbots and how to choose the right platform for your business! Sun, 11 Dec 2022 08:28:10 +0000

How do we define the intelligence of a chatbot? What makes a chatbot appear intelligent?

A chatbot is intelligent when it becomes aware of the users’ needs. Its intelligence comes from the chatbot’s ability to handle any possible scenario of a conversation with ease.

What makes a chatbot intelligent is basically two aspects: the way it is designed (it has to anticipate different scenarios and it has to build a friendly path for its user) and the way artificial intelligence is implemented, so the way it will be able to understand sentences that the user himself can type.

There are currently several platforms that allow you to create an online chatbot. Let’s see what we think are the 5 best online chatbots for your business.

The Artificial Intelligence community is still quite young, but there are already a lot of great platforms for creating chatbots. It seems like every day there is a new Ai feature launched by Ai Developers or by the chatbot platforms themselves.

For many entrepreneurs, it can be difficult to be able to select the best platform for their business. That’s why we have created this list of 5 chatbots and Natural Language Processing (NLP) that we have experimented with in recent months.

Each of these platforms has its own unique characteristics and each has a particular niche, so this article is not meant to be a platform judgment, but is just our personal view on which platform is best for different types of businesses (small, medium, large) and different coding skills (beginners, basic knowledge, advanced knowledge).
A few months ago it looked like ManyChat would be the winner of the Ai competition among the dozen chatbot platforms launched in early 2016. ManyChat’s user-friendly tools, coupled with a great UI UX design for its users, certainly attracted a lot of bot makers.

ManyChat is a great platform for people without any coding knowledge.

However, if your business wants flexible Ai apps, this is not the way to go.

Pros: easy to use, free plan, great marketing tools

Cons: Lack of flexibility for custom coding, lack of community resources

When I first became interested in online chatbots, I literally fell in love with Chatfuel. And this love endures to this day! For this reason
I have written an article that you can use to take your first steps into the world of ChatFuel:
I recorded video tutorials in Italian on the ChatFuel platform, here’s how to access the first 3 lessons for free:
Chatfuel is now the No. 1 leader in online chatbot platforms and deserves this honor because of the hard work the moderators continuously do by answering all the questions that are asked in the official Chatfuel community group:

In this regard, we have created an Italian ChatFuel Group that you can access from here: We are always there to answer your questions in Italian!

Chatfuel’s greatest strength is its balance between a user friendly solution without compromising the advanced custom coding that ManyChat fundamentally lacks.

If you don’t know what to choose between ManyChat and Chatfuel, ask yourself the following question: will my Business Ai solution require customization in the future? If the answer is yes, use Chatfuel; if the answer is no, choose ManyChat. In this article I have compared these two platforms:

Pros: Easy to use, flexibility for custom coding, community support, plug-ins open to third parties, no coding experience required

Cons: Limited integrations to conversational channels, lack of marketing tools
With clients such as Budweiser, Marvel, Pizza Hut and TGI Friday, to name a few, Conversable is definitely a front runner in the Ai world. As described on the Conversable Web site:

“Conversable is the SaaS (enterprise-class-as-a-service) software platform for designing, building, and deploying AI-enhanced messaging and voice experiences across multiple platforms, including Facebook Messenger, Twitter, SMS, Amazon Echo, Google Home, and many others.”

It is certainly impressive what conversation with such an online chatbot can provide. However, if you are the owner of a small to medium-sized company, this is not the platform for you since the startup is being developed primarily for Fortune 500 companies.

If, on the other hand, you work in one of these companies, it is good to know that this platform exists and that it is enjoying great success in the Entreprise market!

Pros: integrations to conversational channels, best platform for large companies

Cons: not easy to use, no solution for small and medium-sized companies
No one will be surprised if you say you have a personal love affair with Dialogflow πŸ˜‰

Let me tell you why, in my opinion, Dialogflow is now the number 1 Ai and Natural Language Processing platform in the world for all kinds of businesses.

With integrations to Voice and Text Ai applications to the Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa and Microsoft Cortana, you can create any kind of chatbot for your customers. This way they will be able to interact with their cell phones or with Google Home or Amazon Alexa.

Dialogflow not only integrates to all these fantastic platforms that enable speech recognition, but it also has text integrations for Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Slack, Telegram, Twilio (SMS) and Skype, just to name a few.

Pros: more advanced NLP, integrations to conversational channels, free, exportable agents

Cons: number of languages available
I actually haven’t spent much time exploring GupShup, but it looks really promising and has similar integrations to Dialogflow, which means this platform will be able to evolve with AI and machine learning updates. GupShup also has an impressive library of SMS, voice, text, NLP APIs. I promise I will draft a new article on this platform!

Pros: conversational channel integrations, free plan, API library.

Cons: not easy to use, Dashboard UI / UX design.

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, all these online chatbot platforms have their own niche, pros and cons. I hope this article has helped you choose the right platform for your business needs. If you are still not sure which one you want to select, you can always log on to our facebook page: and, after liking ;), ask us questions that we will be very happy to answer.

The process of creating a chatbot should not scare you. It is not an extremely complicated process, you just need to know well the steps that can lead you to create a chatbot in the best possible way. And you just need to choose the chatbot for your business in the right way, just as I explained in this article.

Always remember that the most important part of creating chatbots is the design. The user must feel that he is talking to a real person who can meet his needs, while knowing that he is talking to a robot with artificial intelligence. This is what the user must be amazed by: the ease of dialogue with the chatbot.

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How to create messenger bots with ChatFuel Sun, 11 Dec 2022 08:26:41 +0000 You are here is because you want to create messenger bot, your first chatbot, or maybe you have already tried to create it and want to improve your chatbot’s responses with artificial intelligence.

Great! You are in the right place!

Today I’m going to show you exactly how to do it!

We will build a chatbot using ChatFuel (2018 version). The best thing you will find in this article? You will need very little time to create your messenger bot: just half an hour and it will be ready!

First of all, if you want to learn how to set up your bot perfectly, you can access the first 3 video lessons updated to April 2020 for free from here:

But let’s take a step back.
What is a chatbot?

Chatbots are programs that mimic conversation with people through the use of artificial intelligence. Simply put, when someone types a message, the bot responds (or should respond πŸ˜‰ with the right phrase. Of the thousands of chatbots that exist today, most are messaging apps designed to communicate with customers. They work with Natural Processing Language (NLP) systems that translate everyday language into a form the bot can understand. But that’s not all! Bots, if programmed well, can even learn new words and interact accordingly.

Amazing, isn’t it?

With the help of this technology, bots now have endless possibilities for use. You can use them to read everyday news, transfer money, purchase your favorite items, schedule a meeting, or even get assistance. And all from the convenience of your favorite messaging app, which can be messenger or telegram for example.

People currently spend more time on messaging apps rather than social media. Many companies have noticed this trend and are leveraging chatbots as a new channel to talk to users. The latest findings tell us that 60 percent of online adults in the United States (I am using the United States as an example because there is more research on this) use online messaging services, voice or video chat.

It is thought that by 2020 we will have more conversations with robots than with our current spouses πŸ˜‰

Before we go any further watch this video to understand the reasons why you should have a bot in your marketing strategy.
Create messenger bots with ChatFuel

But let’s get straight to the point. In this article I want to give you a mini-guide that, step by step, will lead you to create messenger bots without coding and avoiding the most common mistakes.

In this tutorial we will use ChatFuel to create a simple bot and we will see:

  1. The dashboard
  2. The interface
  3. Welcome and default message
  4. Groups and blocks
  5. Quick replay and buttons


01 The Dashboard

Let’s start by looking at how it works and how to create a BOT. First, let’s go to

It will ask you to log in with your Facebook profile, then you can click on the blue “Get Started for free” button. If you have already created other bots go directly to login.
This way we get inside the platform, we do not, therefore, need to download programs to run our Bot, but we can use it online from different locations.
Let’s start by looking at what we have available.
First of all, in the top menu, we have Help, which takes us to a documentation section to delve into the different features: how to get started, plug-ins, broadcasts, artificial intelligence, etc., etc.

We go back to our interface and see that we have Blog. It takes us to a section where we can read the latest news about the platform, various information and news.

Another section in the top menu: Community, which takes us to the official Facebook group of the Chatfuel community. If you want to join an Italian group you can do so by clicking here: ChatFuel Italy

Finally we have the Dashboard.

Here we have the template tutorial with several buttons: the first one is for creating a new empty bot, all the others are preset templates that we need to already have a base from which to create a bot.

For example, the second button allows us to create a structure in which we can ask users’ permission to send them messages.

The third, on the other hand, allows us to ask users for information and then send them emails.

The fourth button, on the other hand, allows us to create a segmentation, then segment our audience–and so on.

In addition, if we click on “View all Templates,” a number of other custom templates open up.
There are preset templates for creating e-commerce, or templates for creating a bot for a restaurant, and so on. Now what we are interested in to create a new bot, is to click on the first button or directly on “Create New Bot”.

02 The interface

So let’s start creating our bot by clicking the “Create a blank bot” button, or the orange “Create a new bot” button.
There is a very small difference between the two: with the white button we will have preset simply the Welcome Message and Default Responses. With the orange one we have not only the Welcome Message and Default Responses but also a sequence example and a group example with blocks.
Now let’s start to see how our interface is structured, and let’s start with the left column. Here we have a series of tabs that we will now quickly look at and then go on to analyze one by one.
Let’s look at the “Automate” tab. Over time Chatfuel has changed several things, as it kind of does with all programs, and previously this tab was called Build. Anyway, this is the space in which you’ll be working most of your time. This is where you’re going to unleash all your creativity, and then we’ll see how.
“Set Ap AI”: this tab allows us to set the artificial intelligence. Here we will teach the Bot how it should behave based on what the user does and says. One first thing I suggest you do is to set the language. So if we are in Italy, we choose the Italian language.

This is very important because this way the artificial intelligence can understand what your user is saying and can search for similar expressions to respond appropriately.
The “People” tab, is a brand new feature, in fact it is still in the beta version and gives Bot administrators a top-down view of the list of subscribers. It also allows users to segment and edit their attributes.
“Broadcast”: here we talk about broadcast messages precisely, which by now are known to most, and allow us to reach out to specific users to invite them to interact with our bot.
“Configuration”: here we can configure different aspects of our bot. For now the thing we will do is simply associate it with our page. So we can create a new Facebook page to associate with this bot, or we choose a page that we want to associate this particular bot with.

For these demonstrations I connected my bot to the page I had already created “Chatbot Italia.” Once a page is connected we can also disconnect it at any time.
Another tab is “Grow”: this one will allow us to grow, that is, develop our bot, integrating it with new tools.
“Analyze”: this tab allows us to look at statistics and metrics, to understand how our bot is doing and then improve it accordingly, if it needs to be improved. You can only see the results after reaching 3 users.
A little further down we have “Updates” which allows us to see what is new in Chatfuel. The red dot indicates to us that there are unread news, once we click the red dot disappears.
A little further down we can log out.

03 Welcome and Default Message

Suppose we have chosen to create an empty bot.
Let’s go to the first tab, the automation tab, and here we can see that it is actually not completely empty. In fact, it already contains some basic elements, which are the Welcome Message and the Default Response. These two are the only mandatory elements of a bot.
The welcome message, if we want to make a comparison with something we are already familiar with, which are websites, is a bit like the home page of a website. It is the first message that the user sees when they come in contact with your bot. This block therefore is very important to make a good impression right away.

It can be used primarily for two things and one does not exclude the other:

  1. to tell the reasons why the bot was created and thus the functions and benefits of using it
  2. tell how to interact with the bot, so what they should do, what buttons to press, what to do in case the bot gets stuck while navigating, and in case they need help.

The default blocking, on the other hand, is like the 404 error, which is when you go to a page on the site that does not exist. Users will be redirected to this page when they do something that is invalid.

What I mean. Neil ebook with the complete course to create messenger bots with chatfuel I explain how to set up artificial intelligence in such a way that the bot will be able to recognize certain terms or expressions that the user can enter and respond accordingly. However, you can understand that the Italian language, and not only the Italian language, is made up of so many terms and to set them all would be impossible, so we will set only some of them, that is, the ones that our user will need in order to be able to continue browsing the bot. If that user enters other terms that the bot does not recognize we will direct him to the default response.
In this response you will be able to politely say that you do not recognize what it said and therefore you cannot understand it. At the same time you will give him a way to continue to be able to navigate your bot by, for example, inserting a button that takes him back to the home page, but we will see more about that later.

Now let’s set up two simple welcome and default messages. As we have already mentioned in reality our bot is not so empty. In fact it contains default tabs that we can use and change as we wish, or we can delete them by clicking on the trash can icon.

In this case we create a very simple Welcome message and Default message.
Let’s now move to the Default one, delete the cards we don’t need, and write, “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand what you told me.” For now we simply write this, but in the e-book I show how to expand it by adding the different cards.
Every time we finish setting something up, we try to test our chatbot.

04 Groups and blocks

Now let’s look at what groups and blocks are, and how to create them.
Blocks are groups of messages that are used to create interactions with users.
Now let’s see how to create them. First, I delete all the groups it gives me by default. Every time we delete a group, it asks us for special confirmation, that is, it asks us to write “delete,” so that we are sure we want to delete it, and we also delete the sequences it always gives us by default. Also when we delete sequences it asks us for the special confirmation as for groups.

Now we can create a new group.
To create a group just go to “add sequence or group” and click on “group.”
Here we have created a new group, which in this case we call “activities.”
In here we create a new block, which we call “fitness,” and in this block we enter some text, for example, “Do you know that we do fitness activities both in the gym and outdoors?”

Then I add a “typing,” about 2 seconds long, then again a “what are you interested in?” text.
Finally we add a button, which we call “in the gym,” and a new button, which we call “outdoors.” These buttons will appear red to you because we have not linked them to anything yet.
Now let’s create the blocks to connect “in the gym” and “outdoors” to. So I go to “activities,” click on + and there it creates a new block, which I call “fitness in the gym” and then a new block which I call “outdoor fitness.”
In “fitness at the gym” I want to write “if you want information about our fitness activity at the gym call us to make an appointment.” Let’s also put little faces now and then. Here we are inviting them to call, however, where can they find our phone number? Simply in the button below + ADD BUTTON. These buttons can lead to a block, a url, or a phone number. Here we choose the country. I will choose “Italy” and here I will put my number “333 333 333”. We give this button a name, such as “call” and I press “enter.”

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ChatFuel VS ManyChat Sun, 11 Dec 2022 08:15:52 +0000

The two most popular platforms right now for creating messenger bots are ChatFuel and ManyChat. And there is a heated debate about which one is better to use. My suggestion is to compare them and see the pros and cons of both. That is why I created this article in which I prepared a summary on the differences between the two ChatBots πŸ˜‰

Both platforms require ZERO coding experience, which means that anyone can create a Messenger Bot!

But which platform should you use? What is the difference between ChatFuel vs ManyChat? What is the “best” platform to build a Messenger Bot? An important question, this one, especially since you cannot easily migrate your Messenger subscriber list from one platform to another! So it is good to choose the right platform at the outset!

To evaluate both ManyChat and ChatFuel, I found a list of 15 criteria.

First of all, I want to tell you that I have created a course on using ChatFuel that will allow you to build Messenger bots from scratch. Here’s how to access it:
Going back to this article, the main purpose is to highlight features, advantages, disadvantages, and compare the differences between Chatfuel and ManyChat to help you choose the best platform for your business.

A few notes:

  • This review is the result of my personal studies of the two platforms and is freely taken from
  • No one pays me to review these platforms and I am not affiliated with ChatFuel, ManyChat or Facebook.
  • Although I plan to update this article from time to time, I cannot guarantee that the information below will always be up to date. For the latest prices and features please visit the sites of the two platforms directly.

Okay? πŸ˜‰ Then let’s get started!

  1. Free plan and subscription
    ManyChat has a free basic plan that includes limited functionality and ManyChat branding in the bot menu and promotional tools.

If you subscribe to their Pro plans, you will have access to full functionality, unlimited tags, custom fields, and no ManyChat branding in the menu. (The ManyChat logo will still appear in some promotional growth tools).

ChatFuel is completely free! You can access ALL features, but your bot will display the “Powered by Chatfuel” brand in the bot’s “persistent menu.”

To remove this mark, you must upgrade to the paid Pro plan, starting at $30+/month which will also give you access to the People tab. The monthly price depends on the maximum number of users you can reach in a given month.

  1. User-friendly interface
    ManyChat has a very nice, clean and modern user interface. To build a bot, you have the option of working in their Basic Builder or Flow Builder (a new feature introduced in November 2017)!

βŠ• Learning curve – easy to get started without going through any tutorials

βŠ— Integrated Bot Tester – you can only preview your message. To test your bot, you will need to click on the “Preview” button.

To create a bot in ChatFuel, you need to add content (e.g., text, images) to “blocks.” Each block can contain several messages and other content (such as images or videos). To keep your “blocks” organized, you can “group” them together. You can link different blocks together and easily reuse the blocks!

βŠ• Learning curve: easy to medium. When you first access ChatFuel, it can be a bit intimidating … but once you understand how Chatfuel works, it’s really easy!

βŠ— Built-in Bot Tester: There is no built-in tester, but you can test your bot by clicking the “Test This Chatbot” button.

You can refer users to another block when:
users click a button or
when users meet certain criteria or have a specific custom field (more on this later)

  1. Campaigns, sequences and broadcasts
    ManyChat has the ability to send both broadcasts and campaigns:

βŠ• Broadcast: sends a message to a targeted or filtered group of users (e.g., sends a follow-up only to your customers)

βŠ• Campaigns: automatically send a sequence of messages (with delays) to all users who have joined your campaign (e.g., automate message reminders for an upcoming webinar, mini-course, or video series)

βŠ• Ability to duplicate messages – create “message templates” or reuse messages to save time

βŠ• Ability to duplicate conversation streams from one bot to another.
Other features:

βŠ• Before sending a broadcast, you can check to see who will receive your message (number of users and name)

βŠ• Send a broadcast at a specific time based on the user’s time zone (for example, send at 9 am local time for each user)

βŠ• Change the notification setting for the broadcast:

activates / deactivates audio when the user receives the message
Enables / disables notification for initial and subsequent messages
βŠ• Restricts day and time sending for sequences (e.g., sends a sequence message only on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)


βŠ• Broadcast: it is possible to send broadcast messages to a filtered list of users

βŠ• Campaigns and Sequences.

send a series of automatic messages to users who have joined your campaign (e.g., send users a message every day for 7 days)
send a follow-up message to users several minutes/hours/day after discovering the bot
send a follow-up message to users several minutes/hours/day after the last chat with your bot
βŠ• Clone messages: easily duplicate individual messages or a group of messages from one bot to another!

βŠ• Clone bot: yes, you can clone your entire bot!

βŠ— Note: when you send a broadcast to a specific group of users, you can see the number of users that match your criteria, but not the user names

  1. Payments and e-commerce
    βŠ— ManyChat does NOT have a payment option within Messenger (i.e., people cannot pay for your products or services directly in Messenger).

The alternative solution is to direct users to a Web site or use the Web view feature to allow users to purchase the product or service.

With ChatFuel, however, you have two options:

βŠ• Facebook Native Payment – for bot producers in the United States. The bot can only accept payments from U.S. users.

βŠ• Stripe Worldwide Payment – for bot producers in countries where Stripe is available. Bots can accept payments from anywhere in the world.

Be sure to review Facebook’s business policy before selling anything using the Messenger platform.

  1. Bot elements.
    With ManyChat, your Messenger Bot can send different types of content, including:

βŠ• typing (up to 60 seconds)

βŠ• images

βŠ• videos

βŠ• audio

βŠ• attachments

βŠ• quick answers

βŠ• call button

βŠ• share button

βŠ• list

βŠ• galleries (with square and horizontal images)

βŠ• persistent menu

βŠ• webview at 100% height

βŠ— webview at 70% height

βŠ— webview at 40% height

With ChatFuel, your bot can send different types of content, including:

βŠ• typing (up to 20 seconds)

βŠ• images

βŠ• videos

βŠ• audio

βŠ— attachments

βŠ• quick answers

βŠ• call button

βŠ• share button

βŠ• list

βŠ• galleries (with square and horizontal images)

βŠ• persistent menu

βŠ• webview at 100% height

βŠ• webview at 70% height

βŠ• webview at 40% height

  1. Artificial intelligence and natural language processing (AI and NLP).
    ManyChat has limited AI capabilities and no natural language processing. However, your bot can:

βŠ• Automatically respond to keywords entered by the user (keywords must match exactly!).

βŠ• Automatically answer questions entered by the user – BUT you will have to set multiple variations of the same question (e.g. Can I book an appointment? Would I like to schedule an appointment? How can I make an appointment?) – Not exactly an ideal solution

βŠ• Responding with random answers: you can use the A/B split test feature to create variants for an automatic response.

ChatFuel has limited AI and Natural Language Processing capabilities. You can:

βŠ• Respond automatically to keywords entered by the user

βŠ• Automatically answer user-entered questions – ChatFuel has a built-in NLP for “understanding” similar phrases, but it is not perfect

βŠ• Respond with random answers – For example, if a user types in “thank you,” the bot may sometimes respond with “You are welcome” and other times with “Anytime.” That’s what I’m here for!” Adding variations makes your bot more interesting!

Note: you can also change the language of the NLP to Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bengali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Burmese, Catalan, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Malay, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese.

  1. Subscribers and Live Chat
    If you currently use email marketing, you will love ManyChat’s audience dashboard:

βŠ• Subscriber/Audience Dashboard – A list and profile page for each user who has interacted with your bot. You can also see the user’s tags, custom fields, how they joined your bot, when they first joined, and the sequences they are currently enrolled in.

βŠ• Information from Facebook profile – ManyChat will automatically extract the user’s first name, last name, gender, time zone, and profile picture directly from Facebook!

βŠ• Built-in live chat functionality – chat with your users directly in the ManyChat platform! The live chat window also shows all user information in the sidebar, so you can quickly tag the user, update custom fields, and take notes, without switching to another window.

βŠ• Pause Live Human Data Capture Bot: Now you can temporarily disable your bot so that it doesn’t interrupt the chat conversation with a user!

βŠ— Integrated mobile-friendly live chat: live chat is only accessible from a desktop or laptop. You will have to use Facebook’s native inbox if you want to respond to users from your mobile device.

βŠ• People tab: currently available in beta for those on the Pro plan.

βŠ• Facebook Live Chat Website Plugin: you can now embed a Messenger Bot on your website. This was announced in early November 2017.

βŠ• Faceboook Profile Info – ChatFuel automatically inserts some user information from the user’s Facebook profile, including first name, last name, gender, locale, time zone, and profile URL. You can use these fields to help you segment your list by broadcasts and campaigns.

βŠ• Pause the Bot so you can chat live: You can temporarily disable your bot so it doesn’t interrupt your chat conversation with a user! (with the help of the live chat plugin)

  1. Marketing Tools.
    With ManyChat, promote your bot using one of 11 customizable growth tools, including:

βŠ• Button Creator: create a highly customizable button and checkbox with “start and next” status

βŠ• Facebook Comments: automatically sends a message to users who comment on a specific Facebook post

βŠ• Multiple landing pages: create and customize multiple landing pages, each with a different message or sequence

βŠ• Referral URLs: create unique message links for your bot.

βŠ• Widget overlay: create a moving bar, slide-in, popup window with exit-intent or page takeover

With ChatFuel promote your bot using one of 4 tools, including:

βŠ• Button Creator: create a standard “Send to Messenger” button and checkbox (limited customization)

βŠ• Facebook Comments: automatically sends a message to users who comment on a specific Facebook post

βŠ• Custom landing page: create a landing page for your bot (limit for 1 landing page)

βŠ• Referral URL: create unique links for each “block.” For example, here is a link to my welcome block

ChatFuel does not have additional marketing tools such as:

βŠ— Floating bar

βŠ— Pop-up box

βŠ— Welcome Mat / Page Takeover

Note: You can embed the “Send to Messenger” button or checkbox on your website or Leadpages (affiliate link)

  1. Analytics
    ManyChat reports are perfect for those who want to track and capture every click and action!

βŠ• Report submission, open, click and conversion rate statistics – for broadcasts, sequences, growth tools, buttons and menus

βŠ• Google Analytics Dashboard: displays total number of users, subscribers and unsubscribes

βŠ— No integration with third-party analytics tools.

βŠ— No reporting for user input or user retention.


βŠ• Report statistics for messages sent, opened or clicked – for broadcasts and sequences

βŠ• Analytics dashboard with total user graph (subscribed and unsubscribed), common user input, user retention, and more

βŠ• One-click integrations with third-party analytics tools: to get more statistics on your bot, you can connect to, Botanalytics, and Yandex Metrics

βŠ— Submit daily/weekly/monthly subscriber reports.

βŠ— Statistics by button and “tap” menu.

  1. Form and user input
    With ManyChat instead of using a Web form, you can create a bot to collect information from your users:

βŠ• Save responses or answers from users as a custom field for future reference

βŠ• Validate user input information-check if the user has entered a valid email address, number, phone, URL, file, image, or their location

With ChatFuel you can create a bot to ask questions and collect information from your visitors

βŠ• Save user responses as a custom field for future reference (ChatFuel calls this “attribute”)

βŠ• Validate user-entered information: check if the user has entered a valid email address, phone number, or number

βŠ• Conditional logic: jumps between questions or skips questions based on a user’s answer. Route each user through different paths to create a “smart” bot that asks really important questions.

  1. Custom tags and fields
    ManyChat segments your subscribers with custom fields and tags:

βŠ• Automatically assign or remove a tag when a user clicks a button

βŠ• Automatically set custom fields when a user clicks a button (for example, set the “registered” custom field to “yes” if a user clicks a button to confirm registration)

βŠ• References a custom field in a message with a fallback value in case the custom field is empty (e.g., customizes a message by greeting users with their name “Hi Simona!” And set the fallback value to say “Hello!” If the name is empty)

βŠ• Custom tags and fields can be assigned and edited manually by the administrator

βŠ— Limited logic and calculation – You can show users a different message based on “if this then that” logic and perform simple addition and subtraction calculations (you cannot multiply or divide)

Although ChatFuel does not have tagging capabilities, its custom field is quite useful. It is also an important feature to help you create a personalized experience for your users.

βŠ• Set custom fields based on user actions (for example, if the user wants to register for a mini-course, you can create a custom field called registered and set the value to “yes”)

βŠ• Reference the custom field in your posts (e.g., customize your post with the user’s name)

βŠ• Perform simple arithmetic operations using the custom fields (e.g., add, subtract, greater than or less than)

βŠ• Show users a different message depending on their custom field (e.g., if the score is > 5 you can go to the next message)

βŠ• Custom fields can only be edited by administrators if you have access to the People tab (available for those on the Pro plan)

βŠ— No “tag” function in ChatFuel.

  1. Notifications
    βŠ• ManyChat can send you daily/weekly/monthly membership reports.

βŠ• Administration notifications: administrators can receive notifications via e-mail or Messenger when a user clicks a button


βŠ• Notify administrators via email using the “Send Email” plug-in. You can use this feature to have your bot notify you when there is a new response to a “form” or when a user needs a human life to respond to their message on Messenger

βŠ• Send to an administrator notification when an error occurs with the JSON API plug-in – For example, ChatFuel can send you a message when an error occurs with your Zapier webhook

  1. Integration
    ManyChat automatically notifies your subscribers when there is new content on:

βŠ• Your site (RSS feed)

βŠ• Facebook

βŠ• Youtube

βŠ• Twitter

ManyChat also has zapier integration. This means you can connect your bot with other tools such as e-mail marketing, CRM, Google Sheets, and more!

ChatFuel has some integrations including:

βŠ• RSS feeds: show RSS content in a gallery

βŠ• JSON API / Webhook: allows you to send or get data from another platform or tool. You can get pretty creative if you use Zapier’s webhook to integrate it with CRM, e-mail marketing or Google Sheets … just a few ideas …

Some interesting integrations to highlight:

βŠ• Google Site Search: display content from your website in your bot (limited to 100 searches per day by Google)

βŠ• Subscription list: allows users to subscribe/unsubscribe to get stories from RSS feed or search results

βŠ• Zapier: add dynamic content to your bot from Instagram, WordPress, YouTube, Google Docs and many more …

A few notes on Zapier’s integration of Chatfuel:

βŠ• Zapier integration only comes with “actions” to create or update galleries in your bot

βŠ• There are no “triggers” built into ChatFuel’s Zapier integration.

βŠ• To connect to other tools, platforms, or databases, you can use Zapier’s JSON API and webhook

  1. Cloning
    With ManyChat you can:

βŠ• easily select a single or multiple messages and duplicate them with a single click!

βŠ• duplicate an entire stream (along with all messages in the stream) to another bot

βŠ• clones an entire bot, including all streams, sequences, keywords, welcome message, default response, main menu, structure (growth tools will not be cloned)

Keep in mind that when you duplicate a stream from one bot to another, you are not replacing the existing content of the bot. While the clone feature is extremely useful as a template tool, do not rely on it as a backup and restore tool!

With ChatFuel you can easily:

βŠ• duplicate a single block of messages

βŠ• duplicate a group of messages

βŠ• duplicate an entire robot!

All with a simple click!

  1. Other unique features

βŠ• You can filter your audience list – tags, how they opted in, sequence, gender, local … just to name a few …

βŠ• Use the Collective Actions feature to:

add or remove a tag from multiple users

enroll or unsubscribe users from a sequence

manually set or delete custom fields


βŠ• In addition to tutorial templates, ChatFuel also has some other templates. All the templates are free and accessible from the top bar when you log in to ChatFuel.

βŠ• You can also reduce block groups to save space.
Do you want to know what my favorite platform is?
You may not like the answer, but … I like both Chatfuel and ManyChat.

Both are not perfect solutions – they both have their strengths and weaknesses.

It is easy to get started with ManyChat, but if you add more messages, it can be difficult to manage and reuse messages.

On the other hand, ChatFuel may seem a little more intimidating when you first log in, but it is easier to manage and reuse messages, especially when you add more content. However, you can only access the subscriber tab if you use ChatFuel’s Pro plan, which can get a bit expensive as your subscriber list grows.

ManyChat has more integrated tools for marketing and statistics … ChatFuel does a better job of using custom fields and conditional logic to provide users with a personalized experience.

It’s all about choosing the platform that best suits your preferences and business needs.

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How much does a logo cost Sun, 11 Dec 2022 08:11:34 +0000 A logo is the business card, the unique and inimitable hallmark, of any business.

A logo is the graphic representation of a product, service, person or company.

It is able to represent, through a simple symbol, a very broad concept and is essential to distinguish a product or company from the multitude of competitors on the market.

It is possible to categorize 4 main types of logos:

  1. Wordmark (word mark or logotype): a graphic representation of the name of a company or product
  2. Picktorial logo (pictogram): image or illustration that identifies a company through a representative image
  3. Combination logo: logo combined from pictogram and type logo (most commonly used)
  4. Abstract logo: in which the connection between logo and company is completely arbitrary

Let’s try to shed some light and make it visually easier with some examples of famous logos, catalogued within this explanatory infographic.

What is the purpose of having a logo?

It is important to remember, however, that a logo is not meant to sell or promote a product and does not have to represent the product or service that the company offers.

A clear example of this is Apple, which, although it has an apple as its logo, does not produce apples!

Advertising is concerned with promoting what the company produces, whereas, the logo will have the task of getting into the minds of consumers as quickly as possible and staying there as long as possible.

Therefore, when making a logo one aims to create one that is effective, unique, but at the same time simple. The repetition of the logo, its font and colors, allows on the one hand a very simple communication for the company but also allows consumers to connect with the company.

The more visible the logo, the easier it will be to remember it. Of course, the effectiveness of a logo is subjective and varies depending on the business or company.

How much does it cost to design a logo?
The fairest answer to give is: IT DEPENDS.

The price of a logo design can vary based on several reasons:

  • Graphic designer’s experience
  • Hours spent designing and creating the logo
  • Visibility of the brand commissioning the service

It is clear that, you can create your own logo yourself, there are, in fact, applications and sites that allow you to download logos or create your own based on existing logos, for a few euros or even for free.

But by doing so, the concept of originality and uniqueness that every logo should have in order to be remembered and easily associated with the brand/service to which it belongs is lost.

A logo downloaded for free from the Internet can never be unique, as it has already been used many times by who knows how many people.

The best solution is to rely on a professional in the field: a graphic design studio, a communication agency, a freelance graphic designer.

The very experience of the graphic designer plays a key role on the cost of the logo. A professional with previous experience will be able to make an analysis of the market and competitors, study good visual communication, and design something really right for your business.

There is no question, then, that the cost of creating the logo will be higher, but it will benefit both the company and the product or service you want to represent.

These study phases require time, analysis and hours of work.

Another price variable is brand visibility; the cost of designing a logo with national visibility, compared to one with international visibility, is totally different, regardless of the hours of work.

But let’s look in more detail at what are the steps for designing a logo:

Knowledge-information briefing. The first phase is the getting-to-know-you phase, a delicate and crucial moment to get to know the client, his company and their values.

Brainstorming. Design is the most creative phase. After brainstorming follows the time to design hand drafts on paper.

Execution. Execution is the phase in which sketches are digitized. At this stage, software is used to vectorize the logo, which is essential if the logo is to be used in all sizes and for all the various media.

Presentation. This is the moment of truth when the logo, is presented to the client. At this stage, not only is the logo shown, but it is explained and told how it was created step by step. Summing up, to give a guiding answer on the cost of a logo, always keeping in mind the variables mentioned above such as the experience of the graphic designer, the visibility of the company, etc. etc…

Based on our experience we can say that the cost to design a logo intended to identify a small local business ranges from € 350 to € 650 + vat

If you are curious* to see what we have designed click on the link and see some of the logos we have designed.

How much does it cost to register a logo?

Before proceeding with logo registration, it is necessary to make some preliminary checks.

First, it must be ascertained whether the same or similar logos exist and have been registered: if so, one must proceed with the modification of one’s logo.

Registering a logo has fixed and variable costs; the variables depend on the number of classes chosen and the number of states in which you decide to register the logo.

Fixed costs include:

  • 40.00 € secretarial fee for applications filed with the Chamber of Commerce
  • 40.00 € secretarial fee for applications sent by registered mail with return receipt
  • 101.00 € for the registration of the logo in a class
  • 16.00 € for the revenue stamp
  • Variable costs include:
  • 34.00 € for each additional class in addition to the main one
  • 337.00 € instead of 101.00 € if instead of a single logo you decide on a collective logo.

Given the prices, you may wonder if it is really advantageous to register your logo. The answer is ABSOLUTELY YES!

As a result of registering your logo, you will be protected as an individual in addition to your business. In addition, as a result of registration you will gain many benefits such as:

  • Exclusive right to use the registered logo;
  • Concessions to use the logo to others;
  • Right to take legal action against those who use or misappropriate others’ logos; and
  • Ability to sell one’s logo in the future

In addition, you can register your logo at the European level, thus obtaining protection in other countries as well, with a validity of 10 years, at the end of which you can renew it.

Failure to register a logo could result in it being used by third parties, or even competitors, who, if they wanted to, could register your trademark, thus forcing you to stop using it, causing a nasty blow to your image with the possibility of bringing down your business.

After the above, are you still wondering whether spending money on a professional logo is really necessary?

We reiterate again, the answer is Yes!

The logo is the image that represents your company/business and that is precisely why it is essential to invest in it.

If you need more information, click on the button below and we will help you create the perfect logo for your business.

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How important is the number of Facebook Page Fans? Sun, 11 Dec 2022 08:06:54 +0000 How should we evaluate in number of Fans of our Facebook page?

Raise your hand if, once you’ve created your Facebook page, you haven’t asked your friends to like it because … it looks bad to leave it there, alone, without Fanfrown

To be fair, it is Facebook itself that gives us this option, both at the creation stage and later.

But is inviting our friends a useful thing in terms of business? Does it serve any purpose? Can it bring us benefits?

Let’s proceed step by step. Let’s say that the number of people following our page is definitely a relevant figure.

Sigh of relief!cool

In abstract terms if your page has 2,000/2,500 fans it is probably a fairly successful page. If, however, the 2,000/2,500 people (too many!) are not your clients or potential clients or people who might be interested in your services, but friends, friends of friends, relatives, etc. to whom with your personal profile you have asked for friendships so that you can then invite them to like your page, well…it quickly becomes clear how this number is AN EMPTY BOX.

So know that asking for friends on Facebook, with the intent of converting these into subsequent invitations to put LIKE is, more often than not, a waste of energy that goes nowhere!

What can happen if your Fan Base (number of people who have liked your Page) doesn’t have a solid structure of customers or potential customers?
1) Poor interactions when publishing a post.
Facebook on the one hand will notice a Page with a decent following of people, but on the other hand will detect that when you publish your posts, the number of interactions: reactions, comments, shares is low or even nonexistent.

In fact, those who liked as a favor/friend, most likely have no interest in your content or what you post on your page, but only took an action that, from the point of view of Facebook value, is absolutely useless.

The less interaction your Fans have with your content, the less it will be made visible in the news section of their personal profile over time.

Let’s not forget that Facebook is run by an algorithm that tends to show us what we are interested in! How the EdgeRank algorithm works

2) Loss of opportunities in case of sponsorship campaigns.
The presence of too many courtesy Fans can also prove detrimental in case of ADV on Facebook.

We all know that Facebook is a very powerful tool for profiling your potential clientele. When you go to set up a campaign, in fact, you have so many options to select the Target audience among which precisely:

Page Fans: people who like your page.
Creating an audience similar to Fans of your page.


Using this option if your fans are actually your customers or potential customers, with just a few steps you are able to spread your offer/proposal/information to people who are actually interested (even if seemingly few).

However few, they will surely be good.

Whereas if your page has 2,000/2,500 fans exclusively friends (and not potential customers) you will lose the opportunity to use this strategic approach within your ad management.


This choice allows you to ask FB to locate an audience similar to those on your page, identifying them in people with similar and overlapping characteristics to those of your Fans…going out and “nabbing,” you understand, a highly valuable target audience.

Simply put, if yours is a valuable audience, Facebook can find you an equally valuable one, giving you a very important weapon.

On the contrary, if the Fans of your page are the usual friends we were talking about earlier, who liked them out of courtesy, you will lose another important option related to sponsorship campaigns.

In a nutshell, as the well-known saying goes, BETTER Few, BUT GOODwink

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