What is a corporate blog
The corporate blog is a very valuable marketing tool that every company should have in its digital strategy as it allows it to increase online visibility and capture more and more users.

Unlike other marketing tools, however, the blog is not a tool used to speak and sell directly to customers or potential customers, but rather it is a dissemination tool: a place where you offer and provide informative topics, a place that allows you to create useful and free content to those who follow you or will follow you.

It is a very effective tool that allows even the smallest companies to make themselves known to a large number of users; it is also an excellent medium through which to disseminate newsletters, social media posts, news and offers.

Let’s see together why it is important to start a corporate blog and how to make it effective for your growth goals.

Why start a corporate blog
The answer is simple, because a corporate blog is a cost-effective way to create opportunities for users to find your site so that you can gain new leads and new customers.

It is a very powerful communication tool because it allows you to publish content specifically for your customers-your Buyer Persona-and thus satisfy their questions and curiosity by giving answers and solutions to their search.

But to be able to do all this and thus make your website a loyal friend for your marketing efforts, you need people to find it.

Apart from the rare case where someone specifically searches for your website, there are many other ways to make yourself known: the best is through search engines.

Certainly the more active you are on your blog, the more pages you have within it and the better chance you have of ranking at the top of the search engines. For each new blog post you publish, it opens up a new opportunity for your site to rank and appear in the search engines.

In addition, whenever you publish a new blog post, there may be someone who will share it on their social media, making you known to a new audience as well. Finally, it is also an opportunity to get traffic to your site from other websites, gaining SEO visibility and points, which is one of the most important activities of inbound marketing.

In this video, which I recommend you watch, we explain how the Blog is a great tool for growing your site’s visibility, increasing your authority and gaining new customers.

How to create a corporate blog
Blogging allows companies to direct their users to very targeted trajectories.

A blog can be a site or a section of a site, within which you routinely post content you create such as articles, videos or graphics.

Each blog page to which content is uploaded is called a “blog post” and always deals with topics related to your business.

A tailor-made editorial structure can direct specific audience segments to your blog when searching for answers other than the usual, tailor-made ones.

With this in mind, let’s look at how to create a business blog:
1.Place within the toolbar of your site the Blog section and make it easily identifiable by giving it precisely that name
2.Design and create a blog with useful tips and information, with the aim of improving your business and generating more traffic to your website.
3.At the end of each blog post, insert a band containing related articles. This is a very good choice to keep readers from leaving and have them stay on your page for more information.
4.To avoid losing your readers, include buttons within your blog, such as RSS feeds or buttons that link to your social pages
Finally, always remember to create a website with an interface that is easy to navigate, yet appealing, so that the user experience is easy and the stay on your site is pleasant.

How to sell with a corporate blog
As previously stated and reiterated, the corporate blog is one of many marketing channels, but it is very important in that it brings traffic to your website, and from that comes a great opportunity to be able to convert traffic.

TRAFFIC is the number of users coming to your site, while CONVERSION is nothing more than achieving the goal of your marketing strategy.

Traffic can be converted in different ways: through filling out a form that will allow you to create a database of profiled contacts, or by converting traffic directly into customers through the purchase of a service or product.

In each of these cases, then, it is from the company blog that conversions begin, which, slowly, will turn into business: sales and then earnings.

How to manage a corporate blog over time
Once the company blog is established, it is important to be consistent over time.
Google, the world’s most widely used search engine, benefits sites that periodically update their pages and content.

Publishing a blog post every week improves the indexing of your website, making it more dynamic and interesting to Google’s algorithm.

Writing articles, based on the demand for topics among the most searched for by your potential customers, encourages the process of Inbound Marketing, a key piece of the Customer Journey.

Inbound marketing consists of attracting target – target audiences – through the production of interesting content for the user, so as to accompany them in the process of approaching your brand.

In addition, within your corporate blog articles, you can use the most searched keywords so as to “catch users” so as to increase traffic to your website.

As far as space and characters are concerned, there is no imposed limit that you have to comply with when writing articles, reports, guides, tutorials and graphic info.

Examples of Corporate Blogs

  • Play station Blog. Sony, a company that needs no introduction, uses the Play Station blog not only to talk about the latest releases in the PS world, but also to interact with its customers and improve the gaming experience by listening to their requests and advice. All this is done to improve the user experience but also to improve its products.
  • William hill news. Online betting company that, in its blog shares sports articles, analyzes the results of the latest games played or inherent in upcoming sports competitions, so as to inform and then direct the customer/player on the most likely bets to play
  • WE AgenZ blog. A real estate agency that offers its users, insights, tips and examples inherent in the world of buying and selling real estate.
  • PuroBio blog. A cosmetics company that shares tips and tutorials on its blog that you can make with the Bio products it sells online
  • CheFuture. CheBanca’s blog where topics such as innovation, startups and investments, take center stage. CheFuturo is one of the most followed Italian blogs-affiliated to a bank.
  • To recapitulate… Making a summation of what has been said so far, it is essential to keep in mind that:
  • The corporate blog should not contain news from other industries, outside your company.
  • Your company blog posts within the website should be about topics related to your business. For example, Kairos Communication is a communications and digital marketing company, and consequently our blog is about communications and marketing.
  • Blog posts are the ideal place to delve into most recurring questions that are not answered thoroughly enough elsewhere.
  • The corporate blog is not a personal diary, but it is a space designed to make people aware, to give useful information to then sell your product or service.
  • A corporate blog is a very important tool for improving the visibility of your website and thus your business. The more authoritative and comprehensive your content is, the more search engines will value your blog.

Remember: define your buyer personas, establish a communication style, and believe in your company and what you do.