Campaigns in the marketing world are increasingly important, and knowing the best times to send SMS is critical. Not all audiences are willing to receive a message at any time of day, and there are times that are more favorable than others. It will all depend on the type of message you want to send, the speed at which it is sent, and the immediacy of the message.

The best times to send SMS marketing are those that will greatly benefit the campaign and with which good results will be achieved. Among the goals is to have visibility, engagement and digital presence of the brand. Every campaign must have clear goals, otherwise it will work without specific direction.

There are many ways to find out what are the best times to send SMS marketing. The important thing is to reach as many people as possible, and for this knowing the target audience is crucial. Users follow established daily routines that you need to know in order to carry out an effective marketing campaign.

Study the customer: the best times to send SMS marketing

Understanding what the needs of a company’s customers are is a priority for marketing teams. When it comes to getting the best times to send SMS marketing, this is critical. Knowing a person know what they do and when they do it will allow you to know when to send an effective and quality SMS campaign.

Analyzing customer behavior is also important to know which type of content is more relevant than others. Having a defined profile on the type of customer you want to send a message to is critical to the SMS process.

Aspects to consider when sending SMS messages
There are currently some aspects that need to be considered before launching an SMS Marketing campaign. These points will allow us to know with certainty the behaviors of the individuals who are part of the target audience. As a result, the results will be maximized in a very positive way. Some of the aspects to consider are:

A.- The time zone
This point is very important to know the best times to send SMS marketing, especially if you are in another country or continent. For example, it is not the same to conduct a campaign for Italy at 1:00 p.m. in Argentina, as it would be about 7:00 p.m. in the beautiful country. This may affect the effectiveness of the messages.

B.- Company reputation influences the best times to send SMS marketing

Another very important factor in determining the best times to send SMS is reputation. This goes hand in hand with a customer’s previous experience with a brand. Reputation can be a key factor when sending an SMS Marketing campaign, as it is not the same to run a campaign from Apple and a smaller company.

Good content in an SMS Marketing campaign that wants to generate a good brand reputation has these characteristics:

  • Entertain.
  • Inspire.
  • Educate.
  • Help.
  • Build rapport.
  • Reward.

C.- Consistency of messages.
Customers tend to pay less attention to messages they have received in bulk, especially if they have already received hundreds during a week. You need to be sure not to overwhelm the people you want to get the message through.

What are the best times to send SMS marketing?

To find the best times to send SMS Marketing, you need to analyze your customers. Having done that, you need to analyze the type of message you want to send through the campaign. Sending a routine message to customer service is not the same as sending an entire promotion in which you want to capture the users’ attention.

You have to be aware of the routine, the activities, the day of the week, and the time of the customers so that you don’t interrupt them and lose the importance of the messages. The best thing to do is to send SMS Marketing messages at a time that is not busy in consumers’ routine.

Generic sending times
This ensures that messages are received, read, and interpreted by users. You can start by knowing what the generic or usual message sending times are for each individual:

  • Between 7:00 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. people usually eat breakfast and are attentive to the different news items of the day.
  • Between 12:00 noon and 2:00 p.m., it is lunch time and where people usually take a break from their daily activities.
  • 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. are the hours when an office workday usually ends. People are on their way home.
  • 9:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. are a time when people usually have dinner and rest after a day of work. This is a good time to check the cell phone.
  • One of the secrets at this point is to send an SMS Marketing campaign when people are using their cell phones. They might be checking their social networks, their e-mails or surfing the web, this is one of the best times to send SMS marketing.

Physical store promotions: a case in point

In case you want to launch a promotion for a weekend, it is ideal to start the message during the week. A good day is from Thursday onward. The success of an SMS Marketing campaign will also depend on the type of business you have. Sending messages from a children’s school is not the same as sending them from a nightclub.

The best time to send SMS marketing in this type of activity is when people are near their mobile devices. Between 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. people are still at work, but aware of their notifications and messages. Another very interesting time to send an SMS Marketing campaign is also between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm.

How to choose the ideal time for an SMS Marketing campaign
An average ordinary user may check his or her cell phone almost 150 times a day. This means that there are about 150 opportunities for the user to see a message in their SMS inbox. Knowing how to determine goals is critical to knowing the best times to send SMS marketing.

The best schedules will depend on a few factors such as the message objective, industry, and user behavior. With this in mind, the following should be considered:

1.- Type of message to be sent

Messages in an SMS Marketing campaign are divided into transactional and promotional.

The former are those that include crucial delivery time information so that users can use a product or service. For example, messages confirming a payment, confirmation of a reservation, or a verification code.

Promotional messages are those focused on generating sales and promoting a service or product. It is not advisable to send these messages on weekends and only during business hours from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. They include:

  • Discounts.
  • Coupons.
  • Special offers.

2.- Apply the best times to send SMS marketing on a schedule.
There is always an ideal schedule for a user, but there is also a negative scenario. Contacting a person very early in the morning is not good, just as contacting them very late at night is not good.

3.- Think about when users will be on their cell phones.
Although a cell phone always accompanies people, it is not always possible to check it for various reasons.
You can review messages during working hours, especially if it is an emergency, but it is not advisable. After work, between 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., is one of the best times to send SMS marketing.