A logo is the business card, the unique and inimitable hallmark, of any business.

A logo is the graphic representation of a product, service, person or company.

It is able to represent, through a simple symbol, a very broad concept and is essential to distinguish a product or company from the multitude of competitors on the market.

It is possible to categorize 4 main types of logos:

  1. Wordmark (word mark or logotype): a graphic representation of the name of a company or product
  2. Picktorial logo (pictogram): image or illustration that identifies a company through a representative image
  3. Combination logo: logo combined from pictogram and type logo (most commonly used)
  4. Abstract logo: in which the connection between logo and company is completely arbitrary

Let’s try to shed some light and make it visually easier with some examples of famous logos, catalogued within this explanatory infographic.

What is the purpose of having a logo?

It is important to remember, however, that a logo is not meant to sell or promote a product and does not have to represent the product or service that the company offers.

A clear example of this is Apple, which, although it has an apple as its logo, does not produce apples!

Advertising is concerned with promoting what the company produces, whereas, the logo will have the task of getting into the minds of consumers as quickly as possible and staying there as long as possible.

Therefore, when making a logo one aims to create one that is effective, unique, but at the same time simple. The repetition of the logo, its font and colors, allows on the one hand a very simple communication for the company but also allows consumers to connect with the company.

The more visible the logo, the easier it will be to remember it. Of course, the effectiveness of a logo is subjective and varies depending on the business or company.

How much does it cost to design a logo?
The fairest answer to give is: IT DEPENDS.

The price of a logo design can vary based on several reasons:

  • Graphic designer’s experience
  • Hours spent designing and creating the logo
  • Visibility of the brand commissioning the service

It is clear that, you can create your own logo yourself, there are, in fact, applications and sites that allow you to download logos or create your own based on existing logos, for a few euros or even for free.

But by doing so, the concept of originality and uniqueness that every logo should have in order to be remembered and easily associated with the brand/service to which it belongs is lost.

A logo downloaded for free from the Internet can never be unique, as it has already been used many times by who knows how many people.

The best solution is to rely on a professional in the field: a graphic design studio, a communication agency, a freelance graphic designer.

The very experience of the graphic designer plays a key role on the cost of the logo. A professional with previous experience will be able to make an analysis of the market and competitors, study good visual communication, and design something really right for your business.

There is no question, then, that the cost of creating the logo will be higher, but it will benefit both the company and the product or service you want to represent.

These study phases require time, analysis and hours of work.

Another price variable is brand visibility; the cost of designing a logo with national visibility, compared to one with international visibility, is totally different, regardless of the hours of work.

But let’s look in more detail at what are the steps for designing a logo:

Knowledge-information briefing. The first phase is the getting-to-know-you phase, a delicate and crucial moment to get to know the client, his company and their values.

Brainstorming. Design is the most creative phase. After brainstorming follows the time to design hand drafts on paper.

Execution. Execution is the phase in which sketches are digitized. At this stage, software is used to vectorize the logo, which is essential if the logo is to be used in all sizes and for all the various media.

Presentation. This is the moment of truth when the logo, is presented to the client. At this stage, not only is the logo shown, but it is explained and told how it was created step by step. Summing up, to give a guiding answer on the cost of a logo, always keeping in mind the variables mentioned above such as the experience of the graphic designer, the visibility of the company, etc. etc…

Based on our experience we can say that the cost to design a logo intended to identify a small local business ranges from € 350 to € 650 + vat

If you are curious* to see what we have designed click on the link and see some of the logos we have designed.

How much does it cost to register a logo?

Before proceeding with logo registration, it is necessary to make some preliminary checks.

First, it must be ascertained whether the same or similar logos exist and have been registered: if so, one must proceed with the modification of one’s logo.

Registering a logo has fixed and variable costs; the variables depend on the number of classes chosen and the number of states in which you decide to register the logo.

Fixed costs include:

  • 40.00 € secretarial fee for applications filed with the Chamber of Commerce
  • 40.00 € secretarial fee for applications sent by registered mail with return receipt
  • 101.00 € for the registration of the logo in a class
  • 16.00 € for the revenue stamp
  • Variable costs include:
  • 34.00 € for each additional class in addition to the main one
  • 337.00 € instead of 101.00 € if instead of a single logo you decide on a collective logo.

Given the prices, you may wonder if it is really advantageous to register your logo. The answer is ABSOLUTELY YES!

As a result of registering your logo, you will be protected as an individual in addition to your business. In addition, as a result of registration you will gain many benefits such as:

  • Exclusive right to use the registered logo;
  • Concessions to use the logo to others;
  • Right to take legal action against those who use or misappropriate others’ logos; and
  • Ability to sell one’s logo in the future

In addition, you can register your logo at the European level, thus obtaining protection in other countries as well, with a validity of 10 years, at the end of which you can renew it.

Failure to register a logo could result in it being used by third parties, or even competitors, who, if they wanted to, could register your trademark, thus forcing you to stop using it, causing a nasty blow to your image with the possibility of bringing down your business.

After the above, are you still wondering whether spending money on a professional logo is really necessary?

We reiterate again, the answer is Yes!

The logo is the image that represents your company/business and that is precisely why it is essential to invest in it.

If you need more information, click on the button below and we will help you create the perfect logo for your business.