E-commerce seems to have no end, and it is now that SEM becomes more important for e-commerce. In recent times, online stores have been leading in terms of progressive growth, this is due to the coronavirus pandemic and confinements. More and more companies want to join this trend that continues to generate profits.

The truth is that all may not be rosy for companies selling their products and services through e-commerce. There is a lot of competition in the industry today, which is why it is crucial to differentiate yourself to achieve a much better position. SEO plays a central role in this regard, but SEM for ecommerce does as well.

Turnover is what will determine whether a business is successful or not. To get good numbers, it is necessary to have a defined strategy that the target audience can easily understand. The most advisable thing is not to use only one strategy, but rather several activities such as email marketing, social networks and SEO positioning among the rest.

All these methods or strategies are important and even necessary, but their results are generally available in the long or medium term. To quickly drive traffic to the digital space, search advertising SEM e-commerce is the best option.

SEM in digital marketing strategies

SEM actions for ecommerce or Search Engine Marketing are all the practices that are carried out on a website to achieve maximum visibility through search engine advertising campaigns. SEM are the results that are obtained in the different platforms or search engines such as Google or Yahoo for a fee.

Difference between SEO and SEM

While SEO bases everything on organic content placement, SEM is based on paid content placement. Articles that are paid usually have the word “Sponsored” or “Ad” at the bottom in very small letters. In fact, there is nothing in the organic search results to indicate this and they are usually located below the paid ads.

The more clicks a link receives, the more money the company has to spend. You don’t pay for the times it is displayed, you pay for the times someone clicks on it. In SEO, you don’t have to pay anything to locate the page or online store, but that doesn’t mean it’s cheaper, because there is a lot of work behind it.

Benefits of SEM advertising in search engines

There are several points where online advertising offers multiple advantages, and among the many are the following:

A.- Segmentation
More does not always mean better or something like that. An SEM campaign for ecommerce offers a good number of visitors and, more importantly, segmented traffic. This is a specific ad for a specific search or question. The people who usually access these links are willing to buy.

B.- Ease of startup and administration
Launching an ecommerce SEM campaign does not take much time and is very useful, as it allows changes to be made at any time until the set goals are achieved.

C.- Total control
Investing in an SEM campaign for e-commerce means knowing where every euro invested will go. The advertiser is the one who will determine how much money to use. Likewise, you can know data and metrics about how the campaign works.

How to create an effective SEM campaign for e-commerce

A positive aspect of SEM campaigns for e-commerce is that they provide good results. The most complicated thing is not creating it, but knowing how best to manage it once it is launched. There are some steps that can be taken to create a successful campaign such as the following:

1.- Define your keyword strategy.
Google Adwords allows you to create a comprehensive keyword list where you have to add all relevant terms for each type of search. These lists can be segmented using the matching options so that Google can display the ad according to the order of the words in the search.

2.- Use ad groups

Ads should be grouped according to terms corresponding to a certain semantic area. The more ad groups that are created, the better the effectiveness of the applied campaigns. At this point it is advisable to create various types of group ads so that you know which ones will work better than others and modify those that do not give good results.

3.- Be creative: SEM for e-commerce.
The space in which you can describe the ad and the headline is very limited. Therefore, you need to be quite creative with the words and phrases you will use. Above all, you should use those that generate the most interest and strike the target audience.

4.- Links: a very special detail

This is usually the most common mistake in SEM campaigns for e-commerce. The link that is placed in the ad must be related to a page that in turn corresponds to the keyword. In other words, if a user searches for an electronic item, the ad must send him to where he will find it and not to a home page of the manufacturer’s.

5.- Know your customers well: SEM for e-commerce
All companies have an ideal customer in mind, and creating valuable content for these people is critical. Knowing how customers search on the Internet gives a clear vision of how a digital space should be optimized. If you don’t spend time analyzing potential customers, you may be creating content for the wrong people.

6.- Follow the competition and its movements
After creating an SEM campaign for ecommerce, you need to analyze your online competition. This is one way to know the strengths and weaknesses of your counterpart.