Create a professional Instagram page
Well from the beginning, you will have to create a professional Instagram page with a few tricks.

Once you’ve made your business profile, you need to try to optimize it as best you can: it’s the first way to communicate who you are, why it’s relevant to follow you, why people should buy right from you.

It is the initial self-presentation, so beware: you won’t get a second chance to make a good first impression!

With a business Instagram page, then, you move the first step in increasing customers: you start by trying to capture their attention and encouraging contact.

So let’s look at some useful tricks:


This is the very first tool you have to communicate who you are, so also who you are targeting: it is a filter to attract the right people. Try to clarify your goals and interest users; be engaging and concise in your description: verbose platitudes attract no one!

An optimized bio is also the first way to get leads to convert. In fact, the ability to include a link is an opportunity to drive users to your website or blog. If you have an e-commerce site, the relevant link can function as a Call to Action: if you offer products, you can stimulate them to visit the catalog and bring them closer to a purchase; if you offer services, you can also suggest booking an appointment or a free initial consultation.


Visuals are key in this kind of social! If you are a business use your logo; if you are a professional, better a personal half-length photo. In any case ensure: image quality, a resolution suitable for different devices of fruition, sharpness, definition and adequate lighting.

Nothing too confusing, better immediate and effective simplicity!


It is one more opportunity to get prospective clients to contact you, in an easier and more direct way.

Enter your e-mail, telephone contact, a service for making appointments, or other and varied possibilities that bring users closer to you.
Creating posts that are useful to one’s niche
Another way to attract customers? Well, by creating posts that are useful to your niche.

This means you need to capture not just eyeballs, but interest: users direct their attention based on the question, “What’s in it for me?” Then demonstrate that you know/have what your niche wants!

Remember that valuable content is always rewarded!

Therefore, they must offer insightful information, solutions to some problem, or simply something desired; they must be useful, inspire or entertain-that is the value! For whom? For your target audience of course: he is the one you need to satisfy and turn into customers!

Here are some useful tips to accomplish this!

First of all:


Forbidden: improvising, posting casually, being absentee. If you want to offer valuable content that attracts users, you need to be present on Instagram on a regular, consistent, daily basis. Then again, would you trust someone who disappears?

It is also important to choose the best times to post: content spreads mostly in the three hours after posting.


In addition to consistency, consistency is important! The personality of your company, brand or product must reflect that expressed in the posts, uniquely and durably.

So, having analyzed your buyer persona, address it with a stable and appropriate register: your Tone of voice must be consistent over time and in line with your target niche. This also applies to font, visual and overall style. Try to be creative, amaze!


The message must also reflect your identity and values, consistently and uniquely. Plan an effective Content Strategy and stick to it. Stay up to date with trends!

Try to write short and catchy captions, use Call to action to invite action, resort to questions and avoid boring monologues. You would only drive away interest, hence possible customers!

At this point, follow these suggestions:


This is a key factor in approaching a possible client to you: establish a relational bridge to him and meet him.

Make him feel like a person and not a number!

To do this, you need to thank followers and tag them, respond promptly to comments or messages, like one of their interactions, ask questions and seek advice.

One suggestion: take advantage of videos and live feeds; these are formats that stimulate interaction more than others, so they increase visibility.

Remember: valuable content.

You can show how to solve a problem related to your niche, or how your products work; offer testimonials from people who have used them or show the behind-the-scenes.

Also, in your videos you can include URLs that direct the potential customer to a page of interest: your website, product catalog, and so on.


In managing Instagram for businesses, engagement, as in offline life, brings you closer and stimulates; therefore, when you propose valuable content, try to generate user engagement. There are some very effective tools to achieve this goal: polls, draws and contests.

Here’s what you could do interestingly for your stories with polls: offer quizzes or compare your products by asking which one they like best; it will help you understand what your customers are looking for, so how to attract them.


Never underestimate them: hashtags create communities around specific topics and are very useful for finding customers interested in your offer. Then look for the most relevant and pertinent ones for your niche, then use them in posts: possible interested customers will be able to find you!

Thirty hashtags are allowed per piece of content; use them appropriately to gain more visibility, using your company/brand/product/service name.

Increasing the organic coverage of your Instagram profile
Here’s another way to find and attract customers: by increasing your organic coverage.

Instagram services for businesses provide all the tools to grow. You just need to know how to employ them properly!

Let’s see how to do it:

  • Leverage insights

The statistical data offered by Instagram for Business is a very strategic source of information.

In the “Activity” section you can learn about the organic coverage of the page, that is, the number of people viewing and interacting with your content.

In the “Content” section you find more specific information about the performance of each post; finally, the “Audience” section lets you know what types of followers you attract.

These metrics on your coverage are the essential starting point for devising strategies to increase it.

  • Evaluate collaboration with other accounts

Unity is strength! Obviously not with just anyone.

The Business page to choose must at least be relevant to your business reality, but not too much: be careful not to give points to competitors! Good coverage of the profile in question would help.

What you could do is to create a kind of alliance so that you sponsor each other: you share a post of his with appreciation, and the same will be done to yours. It’s a win-win tactic!

Sponsoring posts on Instagram
An essential action to find customers for your business is sponsoring posts on Instagram.

Instagram Ads offers the ability to promote and advertise content, showing it to the desired audience. The sponsored ad can be configured according to the objective, and of course the budget available.

So, you can establish a campaign calendar, define the format and content, set the target audience to which you want to address them.

In this way, you can gain visibility and attract potential customers.